Part 58

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"Can you please leave me alone?""Whyyyyy?""Because I told you, I'm not allowed to do that!""Oh c'mon, breaking a rule or two won't hurt

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"Can you please leave me alone?"
"Because I told you, I'm not allowed to do that!"
"Oh c'mon, breaking a rule or two won't hurt."
"Yeah, it won't hurt. I'll be dead before I would even be able to defend myself."

"Don't play that card on me." Sebin whined. "You're literally dating the leader. She won't let anyone hurt you."

"Correction, she'll be the one to kill me." Jisung very politely slid her hand off of his elbow. "Now if you don't mind, I need to get back to my duties."

"Noooo, c'mon. I'm super hyper extremely bored and you're leaving me out to dry like a caterpillar? You're mean." The girl ran up behind him, continuously whining.

Jisung stopped walking, an expression of pure annoyance taking over his features as he closed his eyes. Sebin did the same, standing in front of him and looking up as the boy was remarkably taller than her.

"Pleaseeeee~~" She exclaimed, using her cringe-worthy cutesy voice as she clasped her hands together.

Jisung opened his eyes, staring at her threateningly. "This stays between us, alright?" He whispered whilst cautiously looking around.

"Yes! Yes, yes, it will! My lips are sealed." Sebin hopped excitedly, then proceeded to motion herself zipping her mouth shut.

The boy just rolled his eyes. "How is she older than me?" He muttered as he began walking away.

"What did you say?"
"I told you to follow me, I'll show you the shooting range."

The shooting range was a long and tight room, located deep under the NCT mansion. Upon descending the strategically placed staircase, you could either go towards target shooting or enter a completely different room. On it's pitch black walls hung all sorts of dangerous firearms: from small and innocent looking handguns to AKs and other long and threatening rifles.

Just taking a step into the space had knocked the breath out of Sebin's lungs, but she couldn't sit there in awe for too long as Jisung already began touring the place.

"Okay, you're only allowed to use this." The boy explained, walking over towards the left wall and grabbing a silver handgun.

"That? Aww, I was hoping to look like the badass female lead of an action kdrama as I shoot a gun that's twice the size of a baby." Sebin pouted, immediately receiving a weird look from Jisung. "What?"

"I honestly have no idea what goes through your mind." He shook his head in disbelief. "Anyways, that's my only offer. Take it or leave it."

"Fine, fine. I'll do the bigger boys later."
"No, you're not allowed to even touch them."
"Why not, I'm the adult here. I can do whatever I want."
"And I'm the one with a gun here so you're going to listen."
"Yo, chill, don't be so salty."

"Ugh." Jisung face-palmed, but decided to leave the topic alone.

He bent down and opened a shelf, revealing tons of small boxes. Taking out one, Sebin caught sight of the label: '6.35mm bullets'. The young boy then stood back up, walking into the main space with her following along.

"Alright, so." Jisung began, taking out a pack of bullets and raising the hand gun. "Here's how you load a hand gun and how you can take off the security to actually be able to shoot. Watch carefully."

And Sebin did. Her eyes were dead-focused on Jisung's hands, analyzing and processing every single move he made. 

She watched as the boy loaded the gun, then automatically by habit took the security off.

"And that's basically it. Now you try." He ordered, passing her another gun and packet.

Although Sebin was much more careful and much slower, she eventually managed to click the security off after having done the steps perfectly.

"Good. But that was the easy part." Jisung smiled, turning towards one of the targets. "You got to practice your aim. Depending on the situation, you either got to aim for an arm or a leg, and in other cases, the head or the heart."

The boy then turned to look at her fascial expression, clearing his throat. "I mean, you probably won't have to do that like ever, but, you know."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Now show me how to work this bitch." Sebin exclaimed jokingly.

"Alright, to start off, just target the head." Jisung commanded, bringing his arm up with a perfectly straight arm. "Honestly, posture doesn't matter as long as you know where you're shooting."

He then narrowed his eyes, holding his breath for a few seconds before pulling the trigger. And effortlessly, it landed right in the middle of the red dot on the target's head.

"Woah. That was cool." Sebin gawked, staring at Jisung smirked, with his ego now boosted.

"Yeah. It's actually pretty easy." He puffed out his chest as he leaned against a near pole. "You should try out now."

Sebin nodded her head enthusiastically, standing in front of the target, with her legs spread just as Jisung had. She narrowed her eyes, tongue poking out the side of her lips as she concentrated specifically on the head of the target.

"Don't get discouraged if you don't hit bull's eye immediately." The boy beside her began speaking. "It takes tons of practice to have perfect aim. Believe me, when I first started training, I-"

He was interrupted by the loud 'boom' of the gun going off.

Snapping his head towards the target, Jisung's lips fell apart as he noticed the new bullet hole, identical to his, just a mere millimeters from where his shot had landed.

"I did it! I hit the head first try!" Sebin yelled out cheerfully, eyes glancing over at Jisung, waiting for his approval.

"Yeah... yeah you did." The boy murmured, clearly taken aback. He then turned towards her with a smile. "You're good at this, holy shit."

"Ha! This is so exciting!" Sebin turned back to the target enthusiastically and carelessly pulled the trigger, the bullet landing right at the heart.

"Ha! This is so exciting!" Sebin turned back to the target enthusiastically and carelessly pulled the trigger, the bullet landing right at the heart

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finally updated this aft like a million days :')

anyways sebin is a bad b

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