Part 50

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Jaehyun ripped the helmet off of his head, not bothering to run a hand through his hair to make it look decent

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Jaehyun ripped the helmet off of his head, not bothering to run a hand through his hair to make it look decent. There were tiny flames in his eyes as he glared at the huge, flashy building in front of him, seeing many people surrounding him.

He quickly turned off the motorcycle, locking it and leaving his helmet before he walked towards it. His stroll was so powerful that no one dared to get in his way, not even the security guard at the main entrance.

Upon entering, Jaehyun took a deep breath of the stuffed, moist and smoky air. Looking around, he attempted to spot his target around the sitting areas where many young men and women drunk tons of alcohol. He soon realized that she wasn't there, gaze averting towards the dance floor.

"See them anywhere?" He heard behind him, immediately pinpointing it as Donghyuck's glum voice.

"I'm looking." Jisung growled back, obviously feeling a little irritated.

"I see them, they're at the bar, let's go!"

Jaehyun noticed them from the corner of his eye that the two boys walked off, but quickly averted his attention towards finding Sebin. And just then he saw her.

She was like a glowing light within the crowd of dark shadows, brimming like a star in the dark sky. Perfectly in the center of it, all of the colorful LED lights bathed her in bright, shining colors, bringing life to her silky smooth skin. Her soft, delicate hair jumped along with her figure, making her dance moves look even livelier than they were. Even with the simple dress on, it completely dazzled Jaehyun. She pulled it off perfectly.

But then his gaze averted to the person beside her. The person that was dangerously close to her, hands casually resting on her hips as they seemed to be... dancing.

Jaehyun clenched his jaw, observing as their lips moved, but he couldn't hear what they were talking about. All that he saw was Sebin throwing her head back in laughter at whatever he had said, bringing a nastily charming smile to the foreigner's face.

The flame now only grew bigger, no, it was as if gasoline had been spilled all over Jaehyun's nerves. 

And whilst Donghyuck and Jisung were collecting their girlfriends and dragging them out to go home, Jaehyun began angrily strolling towards the dance floor. 

After pushing his way through the crowd, barely receiving any backlash for doing so, he reached the couple.

"So as I was saying before you began to laugh at me, I managed to get a job-" The guy's words were interrupted as a strong hand gripped onto his wrist, ripping it away from Sebin's body. He was pushed back with such brutality that he stumbled backwards, almost tripping over his feet. "What the fuck!?"

"Wha- Jaehyun?!" Sebin turned, completely shocked.

"What do you think you're doing." Jaehyun asked in a grim voice, clearly in a disturbingly scary state of anger.

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