Part 6

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The first thing that Sebin felt was the piercing headache

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The first thing that Sebin felt was the piercing headache.

She groaned as she stirred on her bed, trying to find the sheets that she had kicked off during the night. The fade lavender scent coming from the pillow made her hum in approval, feeling herself melt into it as if it was some sort of drug. 


Her bed did not smell like lavender.

With a gasp, Sebin shot up, her head immediately spinning. Her eyes were wide as she scanned her surroundings. She was in an unfamiliar room, on a double bed that was not hers. She was quick to notice the many details pointing that this was a hotel room.

"Where the hell..." She exclaimed in shock as she glanced towards the bedside table, seeing her purse and her phone there.

Then in terror Sebin looked down at herself and sighed in relief seeing that she was in the same clothes as yesterday. She had not been taken advantage of.

As she relaxed and fell back onto the bed, she began sacking her brain for any kind of memory on how she got here. She remembers dancing in the club, getting a few drinks and being left alone by her friend, Jiah, who wandered off with some guy. Afterwards, it was all a blur and Sebin remembers stumbling out of the club, then being surrounded by a bunch of guys who kept touching her and then...


Their faces were so close. The memory alone caused Sebin's body heat up. She had stared deeply into his dark eyes and his extremely handsome features made her speechless. But at the time, she was drunk, and the only thing she remembers saying was.

"You're pretty handsome."

"Oh my god, Sebin, are you crazy?!" The girl snapped up, running a hand through her now greasy hair. "Why did you say that, you idiot?!?!"

After scolding herself for a few more minutes, Sebin calmed down enough and managed to get a hold of her phone. She panicked seeing that she only had 5% of battery left, therefore swiftly opened the messages she had received.

 She panicked seeing that she only had 5% of battery left, therefore swiftly opened the messages she had received

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Sebin turned off the device with a sigh, wanting to save that 1% or 2% for any emergency of some sorts

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Sebin turned off the device with a sigh, wanting to save that 1% or 2% for any emergency of some sorts. She then scratched the back of her head, wondering what to do next.

That's when she noticed the sticky notes that had been under the phone she had picked up. Her curiosity peaked and she leaned over to grab a hold of it. The handwriting was messy, obviously written quite hurriedly. Thankfully it was still readable though.

Hey, it's handsome guy. First of all, you're welcome :)

2nd, sorry for not being able to introduce myself. I need to go but don't worry, I did nothing to you. The hotel room is already paid so you don't need to be concerned with that either.

Well this was a nice meeting, miss stranger, but it's sadly also the last. Don't try to find me, you won't be able to.

Sebin's eyes furrowed as she read the note. How was she supposed to re-pay him for helping her? Or to pay back the hotel fees as well? She needed to see him again since she would feel indebted to him her entire life.

As she was about to put away the sticky note, she suddenly noticed a small writing at the bottom of it. And as she read it, her eyes widened.

P.S. The room is only paid until 10AM, hopefully you're reading that before then

That's what sent Sebin running.

The girl grunted loudly as she closed the front door behind her. She let the 2 heavy bags of groceries fall onto the floor and she lazily kicked off her shoes.

She had managed to freshen up and leave the hotel room before 10AM, getting stares from the people at the front desk yet she was in too much pain to care. She had of course asked for any information on the guy like name or credit card or number and whatnot but he had paid with cash and did not leave any traces.

And actually, the hotel wasn't far from her apartment and only had to drive 3 bus stops. Along the way, she had also gotten groceries since she had had nothing for the entire day and was starving. 

But as she walked further into the apartment, ready to sprawl out onto the couch and have her well deserved rest when she froze, seeing the figure standing in the center of her living room. She watched in shock as he slowly turned, that dreaded, wicked smile on his face.

"Heard you and Injae broke up, Sebinnie."

O who dis?

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O who dis?

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