Part 51

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That gif just hits different holy shit

Their breaths were heavy, strong, labored as their lips met in a blissful moment of euphoria

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Their breaths were heavy, strong, labored as their lips met in a blissful moment of euphoria. Sebin's mouth parted in a small gasp at how sudden the gesture was, allowing Jaehyun to deepen the kiss further. His tongue infiltrated her, desperate to receive any sort of reaction or validation. 

And Sebin gave it to him. She shut her eyes tightly, letting herself dissolve in the erotic pleasure of what he was doing to her. This kiss was different from their last: Jaehyun was aggressive, forcing, needy. He needed her at that moment.

The steamy atmosphere only deepened as she felt his arms flow from the wall to her body, tracing her figure until his palms settled on her hips, bringing them forward towards him. It triggered her own palms to rush through his chest up to the back of his neck and his hair, messing with it whilst pressing herself into him.

His tongue was doing magic to hers, as they danced in unison, both fighting for dominance. Jaehyun made her feel weak and frail as she whimpered at the sensible touch against her bare thigh, feeling his hand ride up to the edge of her short, tight dress. All of that whilst he still focused on keeping the kiss hot and steamy, almost not allowing her to take a single breath.

Sebin squealed quietly as his hands both ended up at the back of her thighs, suddenly forcing her body upwards against the wall. His grip on her was stern as he positioned himself in between her legs. But in that split moment that they had parted, Sebin hands clenched onto the fabric of his t-shirt, desperate and hungry to have his warmth on her again. She felt like she couldn't breathe unless his lips re-attached to her, until his hands roamed her body once again.

And this time she unleashed her passion on him, using her hands to press them together once again. She led the kiss, guiding Jaehyun and showing him what she liked, disliked and what drove her absolutely crazy. Sebin could feel her insides getting warmer and warmer, burning up like flames as she processed the salacious act that she was committing.

Soft moans and crazed breaths escaped her lips as Jaehyun them off instantaneously moving down and leaving sloppy kisses and love-marks down her neck and her collarbone. He bit the thin strap of her dress, moving it to the side to give himself more area to paint his masterpiece.

"J-Jaehyun." Sebin whispered lowly, still recovering from the intense make-out session.

"Hm?" He responded, without stopping his actions.

"Should we take this somewhere else?"

The confident sentence made Jaehyun glance up, finding her eyes to be on him. They were full of something that he hadn't seen before: lust. Sebin wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

Jaehyun was still beyond enraged, but he couldn't help but pick up a devilish smirk on his face. "Are you sure you don't want to walk for a week?"

"Bite me." She growled lowly, a mischievous look on her face.

Jaehyun then suddenly put her down, excitedly grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her off towards the parking lot.

Jaehyun then suddenly put her down, excitedly grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her off towards the parking lot

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Short chapter but the amount of research I did for this, eye-

I really need to study on how to write better kissing scenes

Anyways, I promised so here it is

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