Part 48

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Towel in hand, Sebin ran it through her damp hair as she walked on

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Towel in hand, Sebin ran it through her damp hair as she walked on. Wearing one of Jaehyun's huge t-shirts after the pleasant shower she had just taken, she still felt the ticklish feeling in her stomach. His hands on her body.

It all just mesmerized her.

Coming out of the glass closer, she stumbled upon Jaehyun who was on the bed scrolling through his phone.

The girl smiled lightly, dropping her towel to her side and leaned against the doorway as she stared at him. "Hey." 

"Oh, you're done." Jaehyun looked over to her before putting away his phone. "How was your shower?"

"It was good." Sebin hummed, before quickly getting to the point. "Sooooo... does this mean we're a... thing?" She questioned him.

Jaehyun looked away for a second, a small, laughing scoff leaving his lips upon deciding to tease her a little bit.

"Hm." He clicked his tongue. "No one said that."


"It was just a kiss, nothing special."

Sebin needed time to process what he had just said, face twisting into all kinds of confused expressions. Her gaze was stuck on the edge of the bed as he stood up, walking over to the coffee machine to make himself something.

"Hold on, hold on, hold on. What exactly are you talking about?" Sebin asked, looking over to where he stood, now near her.

Jaehyun shrugged with a smirk. "I thought kisses didn't mean much to you either."

"Yeah but-" The girl paused, realizing that she had nothing to counterattack that with. She bit her lip, feeling the rage building up within her soul. "So that meant nothing to you?"

"Of course not." Jaehyun laughed out, beginning to pour some coffee into the cup.

Sebin was stood there for a good 10 seconds, completely speechless. The heat, the butterflies, her racing heart; they all disappeared. All that she could feel was burning hatred, hurt and disgust. How could he play her heart like that? She was just another one of those girls that he uses then throws away? He just felt like kissing someone at that moment and didn't even give a damn what she thought of it?

'Oh I think the fuck not.'

"Asshole." Sebin muttered under her breath.

"Huh?" Jaehyun turned to her, but Sebin was already stomping out. "Wait, Sebin, I-"

*Door slam*

"- I was just kidding." He said quietly.

Her footsteps quickly faded and he was left in the silence of his room.

Jaehyun sighed with a small smile, realizing that he had really gotten under her skin.

'I'll just tell her I was joking when she cools off.'
He decided, picking up his coffee and putting it up to his lips.

His heart jumped happily just at the thought of her, and Sebin seemed to be the same. Just how mad could she be?

Answer: very.

Haeun almost screeched as the door to her condo was thrown open, and she looked in that direction with wide eyes. 


"That motherfucker, I swear to fucking god-" The elder girl began, shutting the door behind her with force and walking over to her friend. "Can you believe what he fucking did!?"

"Who did what?" Haeun asked confused whilst putting down her glass of water onto the counter.

"He- he just did that and he-" Sebin began, but harshly sighed as she couldn't seem to form a proper sentence.

"Calm down girlie, and go ahead." Haeun smiled kindly. 

Sebin shut her eyes, breathing in and out a couple of times in an attempt to regain her composure. Upon looking back up, she had a bitter expression on her face.

"Hey Haeun, wanna go clubbing?"

"Clubbing? I thought you weren't a big fan of it." The younger girl pointed out.

"As it turns out, I am a HUGE fan." Sebin forced a smile. "So, can you go? I just wanna have some fun." 

"Uhm, okay sure. We need to get ready though." Haeun took out her phone. "Actually, you're in luck, one of the big clubs in the center is having some special stage tonight and it's gonna be packed with people and stuff to do. You're bound to have fun."

"Club?" Another voice sounded suddenly, making both of the girls jump away.

They turned around to find Naeun there, staring at them blankly.

"Goddamn, don't both of you ever make a sound?!" Sebin whined.

"Sorry, sorry. But I want to go too. Ever since Hyuck and I got together, he doesn't want me to go to those places. He's a bit too overprotective is you ask me." She shrugged. 

"Right, I don't know if Jisung will let me go..." Haeun paused, staring off in thought.

"Who said you need his permission? Girl please. It's not like we'll be going out to see guys, it's just a girls night! Let's have some fun!" Sebin encouraged her.

Haeun finally cracked, a small smile painted on her face. "Alright, I'm in. Let's go get ready, I'm so excited!" 

Ok Jaehyun that was a bit of a bitch move

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Ok Jaehyun that was a bit of a bitch move

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