Part 55

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Ponytail on her head bouncing, Sebin skipped her way down the hallway

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Ponytail on her head bouncing, Sebin skipped her way down the hallway. She was humming a joyful memory as her eyes trained on the door to the very familiar gym.

Sadly, she had to wait a couple of hours for Jaehyun to come back from whatever business he was attending, though he made it just in time for their combat lesson. That allowed Sebin to think through on how she was going to break the news to him.

Without hesitation, she pushed the door open and immediately spotted the figure inside.

"Jaehyun!" Sebin called out excitedly, dropping her bag and running up to him.

Jaehyun was caught by surprise as her arms slid around his neck, immediately pushing him against her own tiny little body.

"You're here." He melted into a sweet smile, his own muscular arms wrapping around her torso. His head dropped onto her neck and he relaxed at the sweet scent of her cologne. "You seem happy."

"Mhm, I am. I have something to tell you." Sebin beamed as she stepped back, holding his hands into hers and she swayed them like a little child.

"Really? I do too." Jaehyun pointed out.

"Alright, I'll go first though." She bit onto her bottom lip excitedly whilst staring up at him.

"I think I'll start working for NCT soon."

The sentence was so blunt and absurd and Jaehyun couldn't process it at first. His bright expression fell into an un-readable frown, eyes completely focused on her joyful features. His lips parted, though no words managed to spill out.

Sebin immediately noticed the change and she squeezed his hands. "No, but don't worry! I'm not here to fight or anything, I'm just going to be doing paper work and shit. You know that that's what I do best."

Jaehyun blinked a couple of times in an attempt to recollect himself. "Even so, it's much more complicated than that. Even if you're going to be hired to do 'paperwork', you won't be able to avoid violence and terror that comes with the job. It's called a gang for a reason, Sebin. You can't just stupidly put yourself in a situation you don't fully understand."

"Then help me understand." Sebin countered with an equally firm voice. "Sure, it may be stupid to get myself into this when I know how dangerous it can be. From the past few months I've realized that the base layer of this world is violence. That I may get hurt. But I just can't seem to let it go, it's as if all of this is sucking me in and I just can't help but feel like I belong here. I'm afraid of the chance that I may lose you, simply because our worlds don't exactly collide. Jaehyun, I'm willing to drop everything for you."

Jaehyun released a stressed, labored sigh as he looked down at her with desperate eyes.

"Sebin... I think you should think this through a little bit more. This decision could potentially be irreversible." His voice shook slightly as he spoke.

"Trust me, I've thought about this over and over again. And I'm going to go through with it." Sebin exclaimed in a determined tone.

Jaehyun stared at her for a couple of more moments, taking in all the blissful features of his face. In the end, he just wrapped his hands around her and pulled her close.

"Alright." He whispered. "Whatever makes you happy."

Sebin couldn't help but smile, hands wrapping around his torso as she buried her head in his chest.

But then, she remembered something and looked up to meet his caring gaze. "Right, you had something to tell me. What is it?" 

"Right, there is something." Jaehyun hummed. "I'm going on a business trip in 2 days."
"You what."
"And it should last around 3 days, or perhaps longer."
"Are you serious."
"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're gonna leave me? Are you forreal? After I told you all of this?" Sebin asked in disbelief, untying her arms from around him and taking a step back.

"Uhm... yeah, I guess." Jaehyun shrugged.

"No, cancel it." Sebin crossed her arms, glaring up at him.

"I don't think I can do that." Jaehyun chuckled.

"If you love me then you'll do it."
"Weren't you such a grand business woman or bookkeeper or whatever? I thought you wouldn't stand in the way of business."
"But that is different!"

Jaehyun smirked, crouching down and having his hands on his thighs, he got low enough to make direct, straight eye contact.

"You like me too much." He smiled at her, and then his hand went up to flick her on the forehead.

"Don't grief for too long, we have a lesson to go through." Jaehyun informed, straightening up and walking off to go grab their gloves.

" Jaehyun informed, straightening up and walking off to go grab their gloves

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Y'all thought he was gonna be mad but nah Jeffrey is a chill boi

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