Part 27

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Sebin crept up in the hallway, hands innocently crossed behind her back as she took wide and confident steps

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Sebin crept up in the hallway, hands innocently crossed behind her back as she took wide and confident steps. She was humming some sort of melody, the excitement rushing through her like a drug.

It didn't take long for her to reach her designation, one of the many monotone tall and dark, wooden doors. Her hand originally went for the silver-colored door handle, but stopped itself mid way before clenching up into a fist and knocking. She didn't bother listening in for a response, but just barged in on her own accord.

Jaehyun was the first to look up, very quickly losing interest and turning to his own work. Sicheng wasn't far behind, but unlike his office-mate, he sent the newcomer a wide, charming smile.

"Hey Sebin, what's up?" He asked casually as the two had very quickly dropped honorifics.

"Nothing much, just bored out of my mind." She hummed, slowly shutting the door behind her before strolling over to his desk. "Whatcha doing?"

"Work. Things that I'm probably not supposed to tell you about." Sicheng chuckled, eyes turning back to his very bright screen.

"Seriously, you too? Why does everyone keep so many secrets from me?" Sebin pouted her lips cutely, falling down onto the small couch they had in their office.

"The more you know, the worse it is for us." Jaehyun interrupted, not even looking in her direction.
"But why? I can keep a secret."
"We never know." He shrugged. "Anyone can say that."

"Don't we know each other enough to know-"

"Just don't bother, Sebin." Sicheng interrupted politely. "When we take care of everything, you can go back to your peaceful lifestyle and you'll forget all about this place."

"What if I don't want to?"

Both of them raised an eyebrow, looking over to her with curiosity.

"You don't want to?" Sicheng repeated.

"Nah, it was super boring." Sebin yawned. "Besides it isn't normal for someone to be able to live in a mansion for free, get infinite amount of food and drinks, all on a paid leave" 

"You're crazy." Jaehyun snickered as his eyes turned back to his computer screen.

"I don't think you realize what's happening. You're literally living in a gang house, probably on the murder/kidnap list of various other gangs, so your life is basically in danger 24/7, but you rather stay here?" Sicheng clarified with widened eyes.

"A girl likes her bad boys." Sebin said lowly, eyes darting over towards Jaehyun before they returned back to Sicheng. "But yeah, I'll go back since y'all clearly don't want me here."

"Would love to disagree with that but it's for your own safety." Sicheng smiled.

As silence resurfaced and the two were once again immersed in their work, Sebin used her fist to hold her chin up as she continuously stared at Jaehyun. She obviously hadn't come in here because she was bored, she was here to snoop around. Valuable information could be life or death for her since she couldn't imagine what could happen to her if she were to be found in any of the rooms she wasn't introduced to.

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