Part 39

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The café was bustling with life, bathed in cozy and inviting colors and embraced in a smell of freshly brewed coffee

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The café was bustling with life, bathed in cozy and inviting colors and embraced in a smell of freshly brewed coffee.

At one of the tables sat slightly further from the crowd sat 4 people: 2 beautifully dressed-up girls and 2 good-looking men in respectful outfits. In between them were 2 pieces of tasty-looking cake as well as a variety of drinks.

"You two look even more breathtaking than we could have imagined." The gentleman by the name Minsoo complimented the two already blushing girls.

"I'm flattered. You two don't look so bad yourselves." Jiah laughed along comfortably.

Sebin was trying her best to matching her best friend's energy, she really was, but her hands were constantly fiddling with each other while placed in her lap and she didn't dare meet the eyes of her date. He was rather handsome: dark brown hair that neatly fell onto his forehead, a nice, sharp jawline, outstanding physique and a very trendy and stylish sense of fashion. Also, he didn't seem to be too social, which made her not feel as much of an outcast.

The group continued talking, Sebin slowly warmed up to the recently-met strangers. They were actually pretty fun and charismatic, yet there was just something missing about him. Or rather something seem off. His eyes were more praying than anything she'd ever seen.

After much debate, the couples decided to go experience some good, youthful fun at the nearby amusement park. 

It was on their way there that Sebin first became uncomfortable. She almost jumped up in surprise as she felt a strong, gripping hand snaking its way around her waist. When she looked to the side, she found her date, Dongyul, smirking at her menacingly. 

The pair had separated itself a bit from the other one, which meant that she couldn't look at Jiah with a plea for help. 

So she just kind of laughed it off, engaging in small talk with the guy although his answers were always short and simple or extremely over-dramatized. 

Overall, he was a little strange and Sebin would most definitely not agree to a second day.

And as they grew closer, the more touchy Dongyul became. He had invaded almost every part of her body at this point, unnecessarily rubbing his hand against hers, pulling her closer any way he could and getting unbearably close when speaking to her. He had said that it was because of his weak hearing in such a big crowd, but Sebin could see the devilish smirk painting his face.

"Just this evening, Sebin. After this I'm gonna go home, maybe go to Jiah's place, and stuff myself with a whole bucket of ice cream and watch the entirety of Harry Potter. Yeah, that sounds good."
The girl was thinking, hands clutching at how much she wanted that to happen already. 

"Oh? I see the other two lovebirds have ran away." Dongyul's whisper, surprisingly close to her ear, made her flinch.

In horror, Sebin turned her head in all directions in an attempt to locate her blonde-haired, charismatic friend but Dongyul was right. She and her partner were nowhere to be seen. 

"I see..." She swallowed the rock-like thing clogging up her throat before turning to the man with a smile. "You know what, it's late, how about-"

"How about we ride some more rides?" Dongyul cut her off, making the suggestion with his menacing smile. 

He could see the reluctance on Sebin's face, since she really wanted to wrap it up at this point.

"Oh come on, it's finally just the two of us? After that, I'll get you some dinner, how is that?" He got even closer. 

And Sebin didn't want to be rude, therefore just nodded her head before being dragged off after him. 

Jaehyun emitted a drawn-out, exhausted sigh as he looked out into the darkness of the bustling city. His noise were ringing so much that they almost droned out the female voice that went on and on about something he could care less about.

Was he on another date? Maybe.

But was he enjoying it? Most definitely not.

Agreeing to the second date with this chick was probably the worst mistake of his life. And he was receiving his punishment.

He did it mostly out of spite, later wanting to rub it in Sebin's face. "Ha, two can play that game. Guess who just got a girlfriend?" 

But that didn't seem like such a great idea, becoming more apparent throughout the night.

Finally, becoming so annoyed that he couldn't stand it anymore, Jaehyun suddenly stood up from his chair, raising his sleeve to check his watch.

"Jaehyun? What's wrong?" The dolled-up woman who's name he did not remember asked in confusion, having been cut out half way through her long talk about her day.

"I'm leaving." He simply stated, not giving her any time to speak as he threw a bunch of scrunched up bills, grabbing his jacket and swiftly leaving the restaurant.

It felt like heaven as he walked out, the air freeing his clogged lungs. He carelessly threw on his jacket whilst falling into step with the many passerbys, taking out his phone and unlocking it. He was immediately brought to the tracking app, not having to focus much to see Sebin's bright icon showing up on his screen on the big map.

Jaehyun raised a brow, seeing she wasn't even a 10 minute walk away. She seemed to be walking down towards him as well.

"If I couldn't enjoy my date, you won't either." He muttered out, spitefully. But he couldn't hide the smirk that came up to his lips afterwards, knowing that him interrupting would annoy the wits out of her. And he somehow adored seeing her in her small angry state.

Just after a few minutes of walking, he had finally arrived to her location.

And the sight made him stop, breath hitching in his throat.

In the alleyway was a struggling Sebin, with a man holding her tightly by the wrists whilst leaning in to kiss her. 

oh fuk-

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oh fuk-

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