Part 20

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Sebin was shocked to say the least

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Sebin was shocked to say the least.

The greetings she had received had been really warm. All of the members of NCT seemed to be smiling 24/7, happily enjoying each other's company as they watched a movie and chatted together. The numerous snacks on the few tables littered around the room seemed extremely appetizing and the atmosphere was just really good.

What surprised her the most were how young they all were. Unlike the movies, where a majority of gang members were ugly men in their 40ies, these boys were as young as 18. The youngest, Jisung, had been so nice to her. And apparently, the mysterious girl Haeun, was even younger than him.

"Here." Taeil suddenly plopped down onto the couch beside her, handing her a very appetizing looking toasted ham and cheese sandwich.

It would be an understatement to say that Sebin ate it quickly, she devoured it within a minute. She hadn't realized how hungry she truly was until the first bite of the flavorful snack.

"Wow, chill. You'll choke." Taeil laughed, yet she was already done.

"Jesus, this was so good." Sebin put the empty plate onto the coffee table nearest to her and leaned back onto the comfy couch. "Thanks." 

"Welcome." The doctor smiled. "How's adapting so far?"

The girl looked around the room, watching the countless of boys laugh and seemed to genuinely be having fun. A sudden dolphin sound made her flinch slightly, but as she turned, she recognized one of the younger ones emitting that extremely loud laugh.

"It's definitely not what I had imagined." She turned towards Taeil. "This doesn't seem like a gang base whatsoever." 

The boy nodded, also glancing around.

"Well, many of us don't really consider this a base. This is our home." A warm smile crawled up to his lips as he went thought the faces of all of his members.

Sebin nodded slightly.

"Who's the leader?" She asked curiously. Taeil turned towards her, and decided to mess with her, as well as use the chance to tick off Haeun. 

"He's not here." He shrugged as his eyes travelled to the door. As if by destiny, Taeyong walked in, his attention fully on the phone in his hands. "Oh, Taeyong!"

The 2nd in command looked up to see Taeil waving him over. He immediately noticed the unfamiliar girl who he guessed was Choi Sebin.


"This is the leader of NCT." Taeil told the girl with a wide smile.

Taeyong's brows furrowed, but when he saw the elder mouthing 'play along', he quickly got the joke.

"Ah, right." The second in command cleared his throat. "Nice to meet you I'm, uh, the leader."

"Nice to meet you too." Sebin smiled and they shook hands. "Thank you for taking me in."

"You're welcome." Taeyong muttered, scratching the back of his neck as he felt rather uncomfortable. He knew that they were going to maybe get beaten for this, but decided to go along with it for the joke.

Just then, another figure walked into the room catching Sebin's attention. It was a short girl, wearing a large over-sized hoodie with some black leggings and was holding 2 completely packed plastic bags.

"Hey babe, you're here!" One of the younger members who introduced himself as Donghyuck smiled sheepishly.

The girl smiled lightly before walking over to the couch and popping down beside her boyfriend, cuddling up to him. She looked up and Donghyuck placed a small kiss on his lips.

"Ew, seriously, get a room." Renjun rolled his eyes.

"And you should get a life." The girl answered with a scoff.

Just then, her eyes found their way to the new arrival and her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Who's that?" She pointed in Sebin's direction.

"Her?" Donghyuck hummed, looking over as well. "Sebin, Jaehyun's girlfriend."

Sebin choked on thin air, beginning to cough her guts out. She then snapped her head up in shock, about to deny the accusations, but was interrupted as the young girl introduced herself.

"Hello, I'm Lee Naeun, nice to meet you. Glad to know that Jaehyun finally got a decent girlfriend." She chuckled cheekily before turning back to her boyfriend and completely forgetting about the other girl.

"That's Haeun's identical twin sister. They look exactly the same, but you can tell them apart by the lengths of their hair and choice in fashion." Taeil commented.

"They're pretty." Sebin muttered, eyes grazing over Naeun's beautiful features.

"Sure." The doctor hummed. "You need anything else?"

"Huh?" Sebin turned her head to him again. "No, not really. Do you know where Jaehyun is?"

"Jaehyun?" She nodded. "Probably in the kitchen and if not I don't know."

"Thanks." The girl exclaimed shortly and pushed herself off the couch, beginning to walk towards the kitchen.

" The girl exclaimed shortly and pushed herself off the couch, beginning to walk towards the kitchen

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Me when this book suddenly hit 2.5k reads: 👁👄👁


Actually, when I first published Lachesism it wasn't successful at all and I took it down, but thankfully I gave it another chance and its doing so much better :))

I love yall so freaking much!!

I love yall so freaking much!!

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