Part 25

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Sebin groaned loudly, falling back onto the comfortable mattress

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Sebin groaned loudly, falling back onto the comfortable mattress. She closed her eyes, listening to the comfortable silence as the rain had stopped a while back. Her hand patted her slightly exposed tummy happily, it being full with the huge amount of Chinese takeout that the boys had ordered for lunch.

As much as she tried not to think about it, Sebin's thoughts always managed to bring her back to the moment with the sniper gun. It was engraved in her memory like an annoying piece of meat stuck in between her teeth. No matter how much you want to take it out with a toothpick, it always seems to just be getting pushed deeper into the crack.

Sebin let out yet another sigh, her very mixed emotions being the only thing on her mind.

Only the sound of the door slowly creaking open forced her to open her eyes again, peaking up at the door.

"Oh... it's you." She muffled out, her jaw not functioning properly after chewing so much. She then decided to fall back down, already annoyed by just his presence alone.

"Why do you sound so disappointed?" Jaehyun smirked, his eyes not staying on her for long as he began making his way to his desk.

"I am." Sebin breathed out, now more confidently whilst she stared at the boring ceiling. "Why are you here."

"To pick up some stuff to move to my office." The boy hummed and she could hear him rummaging through his desk. "Why so feisty, are you mad at me?"

"Mhm." Jaehyun hummed mockingly, obviously not believing her.

"That rat calling me boring..." Sebin muttered under her breath, remembering their encounter in the kitchen the day before.

"What?" Jaehyun turned, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing." Sebin smiled innocently, rolling her eyes as soon after he looked away.

There was an awkward silence as she continued laying there while he collected some books and documents that he needed to move down to his office.

Sebin couldn't help but turn to her side, supporting her head with her hand to be able to watch as he worked. She scanned him from head to toe, cringing slightly.

'How dare he judge me when he's this flat?'
She continued insulting him mentally whilst assessing his... almost perfect body.

She then got an idea.

"Hey broski." She exclaimed, sitting up with her legs spread like a little child and her hands in between them.

"I told you to not call me that." Jaehyun rolled his eyes, grabbing the last paper and placing it on the stack of stuff he had already took out onto the desk.

"So... I can't find out about any of the gang stuff while I'm here? Like, nothing at all?" Sebin asked, the hope obvious in her voice.


The girl pouted, feeling disappointed by his plain and certain answer.

"Come onn~ how am I supposed to live here without knowing anything?" Sebin continued trying, swaying her feet impatiently.

"You'll be just fine. Besides, it's not for long anyways." Jaehyun finally turned to her, his tone surprisingly calm.

Sebin adjusted her glasses on her nose. "So I can't even see or try to shoot a gun?" She continued pushing, puppy eyes coming into the game as she looked up at him with a small pout.

The other didn't even hesitate. "No." He dead panned.

'Haha, jokes on you, I already did.'
Sebin felt like such a baddie whilst thinking that, her lips curving into a smirk.

"What's so funny?"
"Nothing." The girl cleared her throat. "So I can't even know where you were today or what you're doing whenever you go somewhere with your team like that?"

"We already went through this. No." Jaehyun sighed, beginning to get slightly irritated by her constant bugging.

Sebin sighed, shoulders slouching because of the repetitive disappointment. She knew that it was a naïve wish, but she has at least hoped that he would be cooperative for at least one of those things.

"I'm going to run away." She scrunched up her nose as she spoke like a little kid.

"At your own risk. Remember, you're here for your own protection, not because we want you to be." Jaehyun shrugged.

"Ugh." Sebin exclaimed, falling back with a thud again.

Jaehyun took it as a cue that he was dismissed, and he began making his way to the door. After struggling a little bit with the handle, he managed to get it open and didn't even get to take a single step out before the girl's voice cut through the air again.

"Hey broski?"
"I told you to not call me t-" Jaeyun began with gritted teeth.
"Yeah, yeah whatever." Sebin waved her hand dismissively.

"Now what?"
"Next time you coming back from a mission or whatever, you better stop by a McDonalds and get me a McFlurry. I like the Oreo one." She ordered in a muffled voice.

Jaehyun raised an eyebrow. "And why would I do that?"

"Because those things are good as fuck, admit it."

The boy just stared at her for a few seconds, trying to figure out how to reply to something like that. But as usual, he didn't have to.

"Cool? Cool. That's all, you can go." Sebin hummed, shooing him off.

Jaehyun decided to comply, again struggling to shut the door behind him after stepping out. As he continuously thought about her request, a small smile crawled up to his lips.

'What a fucking weirdo.'
He thought, beginning to walk down the hallway towards the stairs.


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