Part 23

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After replying to messages and organizing her stuff, Sebin stood up with a loud and exhausted groan. She stretched back, her spine cracking after all the bending over she had done.

"I'm getting old." The girl muttered to herself under her breath, sighing as the pleasant feeling of flexibility passed through her.

Sebin looked around, taking in the empty and still quite neat room. She had already made the bed and put all the clothes she had used away to the laundry room.

So, there was nothing for her to do.

"Didn't know a mansion could be so boring." Sebin continued thinking aloud, frowning as she was desperate to do something. That usually wouldn't be the case, but since she hasn't had any work or responsibilities for a while, she felt quite uneasy about sitting still.

"Well... exploring it is!"
And that made her spring out of the room once more.

Sebin wasn't the type to invade anyone's privacy, that's what led her right down the stairs onto the first floor. Instead of going into any of the familiar doorways, she continued down the tall hallway, passing a few doors. They were all closed shut, some probably locked, making the girl try to look for something slightly more interesting.

That's when she heard the muffled voice coming from somewhere down the hallway.

Now overtaken by the adrenaline of curiosity flowing through her veins, she began taking more careful steps in the direction of the noise. She soon got to a door that was ever so slightly open, the person inside seemingly having not bothered to shut it or simply didn't pay much attention.

"Yeah... yeah, he's right there ... No, go fucking left, Johnny literally said that they need backup! ... I swear to god, Chenle, if you don't fucking shut your dolphin ass trap I'm going to let Hyuck shove that gun down your throat ... Well if you want me to focus, then someone fucking get Chenle out of there! He literally seems high on something." The nervous and angry voice kept cutting off, obviously listening to someone on the other line.

'That's probably Renjun...'
Sebin remembered what the note said, the adrenaline of the unknown and thrilling situation now suddenly vanishing. She sagged her shoulders again, her weigh now seemingly heavier than before.

Now uninterested, she continued her walk around the first floor, trying to find something to do.

For the first time, Sebin noticed a smaller, spiraling staircase going down.

She raised a brow. "Ooh, where's that going to?"

And with all that new curiosity arising, she carefully stepped down.

There were a bunch of doors, few being freezing rooms and other filled with boilers and such. But at the far end was a bigger door which Sebin was specifically interested in.

She looked down, finding no knob and just the slightest dent in the wall, making her frown.

"What, is this not a door?" She asked herself, putting her fingers into the dent to try to figure it out.

But upon closer inspection, she quickly found the camouflaged button to her right.

"Oooo, what's so secretive that you can't even have a normal door?" Sebin smirked, beginning to get excited.

She pressed the button, the door not even taking seconds to open to let the girl in. A gasp fell from her parted lips, her eyes doubling in size, the white balls threateningly close to falling out.

The huge room was painted fully gray, but a nice shade, and filled with slim and tall columns. There was a small booth to her right, it's metallic walls filled with keys hanging under small numbers. She could see up to 50, but there were definitely more.

She turned her head to look to her left, immediately recognizing the very well equipped car repair service. It had everything, the few shelves surrounding it filled with supplies she's never seen before. And they all looked so modern and expensive too.

But that couldn't compare to what spread out across the room in front of her.

Rows and rows of neatly parked cars of all shapes, colors, brands and sizes. There were basic, black or white SUVs, some of the fastest sports cars in flashy colors like neon green and hot pink, and extremely tall trucks. To the side were also parked maybe 25 motorcycles, all similar, but with obvious differences. As if they were handmade just for each NCT member as well as a few extras.

Sebin was completely star-struck. Of course she knew that they were rich. But not THIS rich.

'Okay, actually, they're like a mafia. These could be mass imported for less than half its actual price.'
She argued with her shock.

And after staring for a bit longer, she left back into the mansion.

"Hmm... what else is there to see?" She hummed the small tune to herself, walking into the opposite hallway.

It was the same, but upon peeping into one of the doors, she realized it was just an office. Beginning to get bored again, she continued walking down to the far end, towards the huge door there.

But upon peeping in, she was once again disappointed by a neat office filled with incredible amounts of paper work.

"Wow, seems like all they do is work." Sebin clicked her tongue and shook her head as she quietly shut the door once again.

"So... no secret passages or anything."

She looked over to the single furniture in the giant, empty hallway - the drawer. And despite her rock bottom expectations, she began opening every single drawer and fiddling with all of the objects placed on top.

And was again let down.

"I fucking called it." Sebin sighed, letting her body fall onto the wall next to the almost empty drawer.

Oh god.

Not a second later, the girl heard a fade, mechanic sound and with a yell, went down with the ground and with the dresser.

Not a second later, the girl heard a fade, mechanic sound and with a yell, went down with the ground and with the dresser

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Okay so this was Sebin the explorer :D

And if yall even try to judge her for talking to herself, come fight me-

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