Part 37

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Sebin was just a little shaken up

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Sebin was just a little shaken up.

Okay, not just a little. Maybe a little bit more than that.

Her heart was racing at the fresh memory in her head, her hands shaking because of the fight or flight that had kicked in minutes earlier. Although she seemed fine on the outside, her thoughts were all over the place.

She had no idea that curiously admiring the noir designer jacket would accidentally lead her to finding a knife.

It was a silver one with a plastic handle covered in material to make it more comfortable. It's blade was long and sharp, close to being perfect for stabbing. 

But what led Sebin to this state wasn't the knife itself, rather it was the sticky, brown substance covering most of it. Blood. 

Beforehand, her and Jaehyun had agreed to go down to dinner together, but Sebin just couldn't do so. This was probably the first time that the harsh reality that she'd been avoiding finally hit her: she was in a place full of criminals, most being merciless killers. These weren't innocent people that she knew, they were people that she met completely out of the blue and almost got her kidnapped and probably murdered. 

And despite knowing that NCT were kind enough to save, accommodate and protect her, that fact still installed a previously unknown to her caution and fear.

"Get yourself together and act normal, bitch. You ain't no pussy." She muttered to herself as she walked down the chilly hallway, immediately halting after doing so.

"Okay... maybe I am." 

She then continued walking, eyes fixated on the enormous door at the far end of the hallway. And upon arriving, she softly knocked before going in.

Haeun slowly looked up to find her now newly made friend closing her office door behind her.

"Oh hey Sebin, what are you doing here?" Haeun hummed out casually, going back to looking over the document in her hand.

"Just..." The other began, mouth open but nothing more coming out. She sighed. "I was just bored so I thought I should stop by."

"Anything bothering you?"

"Goddamn it she sees right through me."
Sebin bit her lip anxiously, but then decided to put on a front.

"Nah, I thought you could use my glorious presence." She flicked her black, wavy hair and walked over to one of the couches, sprawling herself on it.

"Sure, sure." Haeun rolled her eyes playfully, but smiled right after.

A comfortable silence ensued, as NCT's leader peacefully continued her work and Sebin just simply stared off into the wall. She was so out of it that she almost forgot why she was in the office in the first place.

"Oh right, I also have something to ask you." The elder girl jumped up, walking over to Haeun's desk and sitting on the other side of it.


"So you know how I've been stuck here for like a month now..." Sebin began, entangling her fingers. She looked like a master negotiator as she sat at the table.

"So I thought that maybe I would be able to... go out for a little?"

Haeun had ushered down, leaving her documents and instead looking up to stare at Sebin.

"I mean I've been stuck here for so long, I think it would be good for me to go out and have fun a little you know."

The gang leader pursed her lips together. "But you realize that that threatens your life and your life only, right? I mean, you're not here against your will, it's for your protection. Just saying that I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"But don't you think that if I stay out of work and not show my face to the world for so long, it's going to be a little suspicious?" Sebin argued, earning herself a surprised look from Haeun.

"I mean, true, good point." 
"So could I just go out this Saturday morning? I swear, I'll return by the evening." The elder pleaded, almost comically.

Haeun took in a deep breath, then sighed audibly. 

"Fine, fine. But under one condition."
"What is it?"
"Renjun will install a program on your phone that let's him track you at all times, and that information will be shared with any gang member that is near you." 

Sebin hesitated for a little, but not for long as she swiftly replied. "Deal." 

"Okay then." Haeun smiled and stood up. "I hope you have fun at your little double date."

"Oh thank y- wait, how the fuck did YOU know??!?!" Sebin called out, but the younger girl was already walking away with a smirk plastered on her lips.

"Oh thank y- wait, how the fuck did YOU know??!?!" Sebin called out, but the younger girl was already walking away with a smirk plastered on her lips

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Hey sorry for not updating this for almost a month

Real clown shit if you ask me

But I think the story will speed up the pace soon, all on board the choo choo train

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