Part 65

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Buried under the numerous covers, pillows and plushies, Sebin hadn't gotten a wink of sleep for the whole night

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Buried under the numerous covers, pillows and plushies, Sebin hadn't gotten a wink of sleep for the whole night. Her eyes were almost too swollen for her to open, red as strawberries from the amount of tears she'd cried. She could feel her throat aching and burning, and doubted that her voice would be all right when she would try to speak again.

The girl didn't even try to move once she heard the door to the apartment opening and a pair of quick footsteps rushing in. The person obviously paused, releasing a deep sigh as soon as she'd spotted the ball of sadness on her couch.

"Sebin..." Jiah, who had just finished her night shift, began in a soft tone. "I brought some cake from the bakery downstairs. Do you want some?"

No reply.

"Pleaseee Sebin, it's your favorite! Strawberry cream!" She continued trying, but to no avail as all she got in response was a little 'no thanks'.

"You can't just not eat dear. I know that you rather stay cooped up here for a little while, but you won't go on for long if you don't eat normally." Jiah for once sounded super serious and worried, something that Sebin didn't hear much.

But that didn't matter to her at all.

Her worry going unanswered, Jiah let out yet another exasperated sigh, and walked over to put the cake into the fridge.

"All right babes, you suit yourself. There's still a couple of days until you can officially die of starvation so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt." The girl sighed, before she began walking again. "I'm going to shower and take a nap. Come over to my bed in like 30 mins if you wanna cuddle."

'Jaehyun and I used to cuddle... a lot.'
'He's a really good cuddler.'

And that thought alone caused Sebin to curl up even tighter, yet another stream of tears dwelling in her stinging eyes.

Jiah ruffled a towel against her short, platinum blonde hair when as she stumbled into her bedroom. But upon turning on the lights, she froze as she noticed a figure hiding under her lavender-colored sheets. A small and soft smile grazed her lips, before she continued walking in.

"I guess you decided to take my offer. Good choice." Jiah announced, allowing the towel to fall to the ground as she sat down on the bed. "Now gimme some space."

The girl snuck under the covers and shuffled her way over to her friend, who immediately reached out her arms. They embraced tightly, throwing arms and legs over each other until they both felt somehow comfortable. Sebin had rested her face in the crook of Jiah's neck, feeling the latter's finger drawing comforting circles on her back.

"C'mere my little bad bitch." Jiah muttered, then pressing a kiss to Sebin's forehead. "I'm always here for you. Don't forget that."

"I know..." Sebin's words were muffled by the material of her friend's shirt. "I'm just not hungry."

"That's fine. At least I know you'll be hungry by tomorrow at most. You eat so well." Jiah laughed, hugging Sebin even tighter.

The latter let out a choked sob, shutting her eyes even harder than before. "I miss him."

"I know baby, I know." Jiah whispered, hand going through the other girl's hair. "But things like this happen, Sebin. The best thing you can do right now is cry it out for a few days, and then move on. If that asshole let you go that easily, it means that he doesn't deserve you."

"It was so humiliating." Sebin cried out, the sobs becoming more apparent.

Jiah couldn't hold her any tighter at this point, simply giving herself away to her weeping friend. She didn't mind her shirt getting wet, and simply did her best to comfort the latter.

"Try to sleep. It's going to hurt less tomorrow, I promise." Jiah whispered gently, pressing another kiss to the top of Sebin's head.

" Jiah whispered gently, pressing another kiss to the top of Sebin's head

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