Part 11

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Jaehyun slowly began gaining consciousness as he took note of what he felt first

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Jaehyun slowly began gaining consciousness as he took note of what he felt first. He was laying on a bed on extremely soft sheets. His face was burning because of an annoying strip of light coming in through the window. His headache was probably going to be the death of him if he didn't take any pain killers soon.

His stomach growled out in hunger as the last thing it had was alcohol, god knows how long ago. That's what made him stir and scrunch up his nose before he finally opened his eyes.

Then immediately he jolted up.

The room he was in was unfamiliar to him and his head snapped in all directions as he took it all in. His only interest was a form of escape, which he found in the body of a door at the other end of the room. But as he moved towards it, the sudden, piercing pain coming from his side made him hunch over and grunt.

That's when Jaehyun finally took a moment to look down at himself and he frowned at his attire. He was wearing a beige t-shirt, something he would honestly never wear in his life. So it was definitely not his. And that wasn't what he wore last night to the outing.

The outing.

All of the memories crashed down on him at once and all color drained from his face. He remembered the bloody fight that occurred in that alley with those thugs, which he now realized were under-men of the Golden Snakes. But afterwards, he just remembers pain and everything had become a blur.

To say the least, he was clueless as to where he could even be.

And despite the pain and dizziness he felt, he still began shuffling out of bed.

That's when the door handle was suddenly pushed down and Jaehyun tensed as a figure entered the room. But he was then faced with extreme confusion as he easily identified her.

"Sebin?" He asked in shock and she paused, seeing that he had woken up.

"What are you doing up?? Lay back down, you have a fever!" She rushed over to him, putting the 2 tea cups she was holding down on the beside table.

"Why am I here?" He demanded, looking up at her from where he sat on the comfortable bed. Sebin sighed.

"You came here last night, don't you remember?" She raised an eyebrow and Jaehyun blinked a couple of times.

Then the memories flooded him yet again.

"Oh." Was all he managed to say, remembering how he banged on her door and her shocked expression when she had opened it.

Sebin shook her head in disbelief before speaking again. "Now lay back down. I didn't take a day off from work for you to immediately leave."

"You took a day off work?"


Jaehyun was too weak and tired to argue, therefore just complied. She then placed a small, damp towel over his forehead and he felt a shiver run down his spine from the chilly feeling.

There was an awkward silence as she wiped away the sweat that had formed at the sides of his face.

"Now... put this under your armpits." She instructed, handing him the thermometer.

"Don't you have the automatic one to put against your forehead?" He complained and Sebin returned him a strict look.

"I mean you can always put it up your ass like the French do." She smiled bitterly and Jaehyun just pursed his lips together and took the thermometer from her hand.

He took his temperature normally as Sebin began putting away laundry into her wardrobe. She couldn't help but feel unnerved, the nervous bundle in the pit of her stomach tickling her. And although she was extremely curious as to why he had shown up in such a state, she decided not to touch upon it just yet.

"I'm done." His voice suddenly snapped her out of her daze and the girl abruptly turned on her heel.


He looked her up-and-down, extending the thermometer in her direction. Sebin's lips parted in an 'o' and she hurriedly walked up to the bed and took it. 39 degrees. She then fished out her phone from the pocket of her hoodie and snapped a picture with Jaehyun out of the frame.

"Why did you take a picture?" He asked confused as she sent it to someone quickly before putting the device away.

"As proof that I'm 'sick'. They don't just give you a day off for something." She shrugged with a smug smile.

Jaehyun then looked down at himself again and grabbed the fabric of the t-shirt.

"This isn't mine." His suspicious eyes wandered up to her. Sebin nodded.

"Yeah, it isn't." 

"Then who's is it?"

"My ex's."

Jaehyun blinked a couple of times before coming to a conclusion.

"You changed me in my sleep?!" He turned to her shocked. Sebin gave him a disgusted look.

"If you think that I did something to you, you're wrong. You blacked out for a bit and then woke up and took off your t-shirt suddenly. I had to stop you from ripping off your pants as well." She explained, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh." Jaehyun exclaimed and then looked away in embarrassment. He then suddenly smirked. "Did you like what you saw?" 

"No, not really. I grew up with 2 brothers, do you expect this to be unusual to me?" She tilted her head.

"How would I know that..." Jaehyun muttered, feeling over-powered yet again.

"And I think we have more important things to talk about..." Sebin trailed off and the boy eyed her as she left the room. When she came back, his expression fell as he noticed the bloody shirt she was holding.

"You've got some explaining to do."

Y'all thought she just gon ignore it?? Nahhh, Sebin is a confident and curious bish :))

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Y'all thought she just gon ignore it?? Nahhh, Sebin is a confident and curious bish :))

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