Part 7

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"What are you doing here, Kyungchul?" Sebin's voice hardened and her entire body tensed up

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"What are you doing here, Kyungchul?" Sebin's voice hardened and her entire body tensed up. He did not answer and instead looked her up-and-down and scrunched up his nose.

"Where were you?" He asked, his voice getting less friendly.

"That's none of yours business. What are you doing in my house?!"

"It is my business." He growled. Sebin scoffed.

"Since when? Since you cheated on me during college? Or mentally abused me?" The girl began getting heated, but Kyungchul wasn't far behind.

"This is why I'm here. I have to apologize."

"Well breaking into my apartment isn't the greatest way to do that." Sebin clenched her jaw. "Now get out."

"No, listen to me-"

"Get the fuck out!" She screeched out, loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear.

Kyungchul stayed silent as he watched the girl glare at him. She was in no mood to deal with her ex boyfriend anymore which gave her the confidence to yell at him for the second time in her life.

But like the first time, he did not look too overjoyed with it.

It seemed like a scene from a drama as a thunder sounded outside, the first droplets of rain falling from the already cloudy sky as Sebin watched Kyungchul begin slowly walking in her direction. The confidence instantly drained from her body and she became pale, his furious stare making her seem completely powerless.

"You..." he hissed through gritted teeth, the vein on his neck popping out, showing his true anger.

Kyungchul then gripped onto Sebin's arm, his dirty finger nails digging deep into her skin making a wave of pain crash through her body.

"Ow, you're hurting me!" She cried out, grabbing his hand and attempting to rip it off of her yet to no avail. He was too strong and just continued watching her struggle, not a single trace of emotion on his face.

Sebin was about to give out, but a sudden force made her take a deep breath before looking straight at him with equally raging eyes.

"Go to hell."

And then she kicked out her leg, the tips of her foot hitting right into his groin.

Kyungchul yelped out in pain, his hand letting go of her shoulder and it travelled down to the impacted area. Without wasting much time, Sebin set off running.

She heard his footsteps soon beginning to catch up to her as she decided to take the stairs instead of the shabby, old elevators in the building. As she ran out of the glass doors she was immediately met with rain pouring from the sky. Sebin looked around frantically, yet there was no one in sight. She heard the thunderous footsteps approaching, which made her continue dashing down the street.

I just need to get somewhere more populated...

She thoughts, flickering a strand of wet hair away from her face.

Her hangover did not help the chase at all as her head throbbed more than ever, her lungs felt like they were burning and her legs were on the verge of giving out. But Sebin wouldn't let herself fall or slow down, she continued running with all her might.

She knew that the famous Tokyo street was nearby and it was always populated, no matter the weather. That's where she then headed, taking turn after turn through the narrow spaces between the many apartment buildings. 

And as the girl's eyes lit up, knowing full well that there was just a little more to go, she turned a corner and crashed into someone with great force. She gasped loudly, feeling her body begin falling down, as if in slow motion. All outside sounds muffled and the only thing she could hear was her heart beating rapidly and her small, shaky breaths. The only thing she did was close her eyes and wait for the impact.

Yet, it never came. At least not in the way she thought it would.

There was a loud grunt which brought Sebin back into reality.

Her eyes fluttered open in shock and was met with a surprising sight.

Sebin was currently laying on top of his body, his muscular arms resting around her waist. She felt the warmth he emitted, it directly getting to her due to their proximity. Their faces were so close that the tip of her nose brushed against his.

The girl's eyes widened as she looked towards his pained expression. But what was more shocking was that memories of him flooded her head, making her get goosebumps.

"Handsome guy?" 

Well his mystery aspect just disappeared

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Well his mystery aspect just disappeared

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