Part 68

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"You know, it's such a pity that you're going away for New Years

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"You know, it's such a pity that you're going away for New Years. I already had a detailed plan by the hour on what we were gonna do." Jiah swung her legs back and forth as she sat on top of the table, constantly complaining about her friend, who was walking around her apartment and packing.

Sebin sighed with a small sigh. "I haven't seen my family and ages, and besides I already told my mom and she seemed really happy."

"But still." Jiah pouted her lips. "I was gonna throw you the best birthday-new years party."

"You can always come with me to the countryside." Sebin suggested, and Jiah scrunched up her face. 

"No thanks."

With a small chuckle, Sebin shoved her cosmetics pouch into her small suit case, and sealed it shut.

"You brought all your warm winter shit with you, right?" Jiah asked.
"Yes, it's all packed."
"What about for the trip? You got your pillows ready?"
"You know that the countryside is so much more colder than the city?"
"Yess, don't worry. I'm all ready for it."

Sebin turned again to see Jiah pouting her lips, a sad expression on her face and let out a small sigh.

"Alright, come here you big baby." Sebin exclaimed, coming in for a big bear hug with her friend. "After I come back I'll spend all my time with you, all right?"

"Will you bring me some of that good fish from your village?" Jiah asked, words muffled by how she'd pressed herself against Sebin's chest.

"Of course." The girl replied with a laugh. "I'll bring you as many as you like."

The two let go of each other, and Sebin immediately went on to rummage through her half-done backpack which she was gonna fit all her things for the trip to. Jiah remained seated on the table, biting on her bottom lip as she stared at her friend with slight nervousness.

"Hey, Sebin?" She asked, voice slightly shaky.

"Hm?" The latter replied nonchalantly.

"I just... wanna tell you something."

"Shoot." Sebin replied, barely even paying attention as she began taking out food from her fridge.

"I'm not straight."

Sebin perked up, finally looking at Jiah again, as the girl fiddled with her fingers in her lap whilst looking down at them.

"I... realized that I don't just like men. I like women, I like people who are non-binary, agender, gender fluid-" she took a deep breath. "I like everyone. And I researched it and it turns out I'm pansexual. I know that I'm telling you completely out of the blue, but I just wanted you to know, and I know that you may not like it and may feel uncomfortable and I-"

But Sebin cut her off, by walking up to her and engulfing her in yet another hug. It was way tighter and meaningful than the last. Jiah immediately melted into it, remaining quiet, just breathing deeply into Sebin's chest again.

"How would I ever feel uncomfortable around you, Jiah?" She whispered, hand gently patting her back. "You're my best friend. And no matter what your sexuality is, I will still love and support you, you know that right?"

Jiah let out a small whimper, but nodded her head.

"And I'm proud of you for telling me, it's a very brave thing to do." Sebin continued.

"I was just a bit scared considering that Korea is, you know... not too accepting towards these things." Jiah spoke, voice still shaky.

"But I'm not Korea, am I?" Sebin laughed out. "You should know that I will support you no matter what."

"I know but coming out is still scary no matter how much I trust you." Jiah sniffled, finally backing away. "But you have no idea how happy I am that you believe and still support me."

"Of course. You're like my only friend. If I didn't, who would I go to for ice cream and cuddles post-breakup?" The latter exclaimed humorously, learning a chuckle in response.

"So that's the only reason, huh?"

"Hushhh." Sebin laughed out.

"Okay, one down and 2 more to go, aka, my very conservative parents." Jiah tried to keep up a smile, clearly more relaxed, but still looked relatively nervous.

Sebin raised a brow, trying to divert the conversation. "So I'm the first person you've told?"

"Technically yes and no." Jiah chuckled mischievously. "I think the girl and the non-binary person I slept with the other night kind of knew before you."

"Oh my god, Jiah!" Sebin burst out into shocked laughter, smacking her in the arm. "At the same time?"

"Maybe???" The latter replied mysteriously, and the girls immediately began laughing in the dimply lit apartment, feeling at ease once again.

"Maybe???" The latter replied mysteriously, and the girls immediately began laughing in the dimply lit apartment, feeling at ease once again

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what's your sexuality?

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