Part 60

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"Ladies first

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"Ladies first."

Sebin simply rolled her eyes, a small smile on her face as she saw him grin sarcastically.

"Oh, stop it." She laughed out, but walked right through the glass door that he held open for her.

The pair were immediately greeted by the receptionist, then after announcing their reservation, seated at a table for two. They took a small moment to look outside the window, the entirety of Seoul at their feet as the lights of the city shimmered in the late evening.

"Wow, this view is beautiful. How come I didn't know about this restaurant before?" Jaehyun turned to face his girlfriend, who simply shrugged.

"Someone I used to know introduced this place to me. Not only is the view nice, but it is usually quiet whenever I come, the staff are polite and the food is just incredible." Sebin hummed approvingly whilst putting her purse safely to the side. "Besides, it gives me a nice reason to dress up." She smiled, staring down at the fancy outfit she had picked out from her wardrobe.

"I have to say you do look really beautiful tonight, baby girl." Jaehyun's eyes slid up and down before he leaned in and ushered his voice. "Although I would've preferred if you hadn't covered up the hickeys. I worked so hard to make them nice and pretty, just for you." He growled in a deep voice.

Sebin pulsed her lips together, heart skipping a small beat at the comment, but she didn't have to respond as the waitress then came up to their table.

"Hello, welcome to our restaurant. May I get you something to drink?"

"Yes, uh." Sebin muttered as she flipped through the menu. "I'd love some of the Moet & Chandon Imperial champagne."

"Great choice, I'll bring it up right now. How about you sir?"

"I think I'll just have the same as-"
"He'll just have something non-alcoholic." Sebin interrupted with a wide, polite smile on her lips.

"Why so?" Jaehyun looked slightly surprised and she turned to him.

"You have to drive us back, remember?"
"Right, sure, I'll have non-alcoholic wine then." He immediately switched up his attitude as he turned to the waitress.

"Alright, I'll bring you a suggestion and you can tell me if you like it or not." The woman smiled. "I'll come back soon with your drinks, please take your time to read our menu! I recommend our sea life special for today."

"Thank you so much." Sebin smiled as the lady politely bowed and walked away.

"I see you're getting into your girlfriend role a lot. Can't say I don't enjoy it." Jaehyun smirked as he leaned forward.

Sebin shrugged. "To remind you, I've been in a serious relationship before. Unlike someone."

"So serious that the guy was possessive, chasing you down the street in the pouring rain and by miracle you bumped into a handsome stranger who saved you?"

"I-" The girl began but had to idea how to retaliate against that. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Sorry, sorry. It's just so hilarious to think about." Jaehyun laughed out.

"Hilarious? It was funny to you? I could've died!" Sebin exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah but." He clicked his tongue. "You may have. But death doesn't really phase me anymore."

"Of course." Sebin rolled her eyes, but rather out of playful agitation.

"Anyways, how was life without me princess? I'm sure you were dying of boredom, seeing how needy you were as soon as I came back." Jaehyun helped himself to some of the bread provided by the restaurant.

"Oh, right, I've been meaning to tell you something!" Sebin suddenly became really excited. She leaned in, clearly in an attempt to keep what she had to say more private. "Guess what I've been up to?"

"What have you been up to?" Jaehyun played along, also getting closer.

"I've been learning how to shoot a gun." The girl whispered with a wide, mischievous grin on her lips.

It was as if the world had paused for Jaehyun. His hand holding the piece of bread fell onto the table, eyes widening in shock.

"I begged Jisung to let me, and he did, and it's so much fun! I feel like the main character of an action movie whenever I'm at the shooting range. Jisung even said that I'm gifted!"

"Okay, first of all, keep your voice down please." Jaehyun glanced around a couple of times. Despite them sitting very far away from everyone, he made sure no one was within hearing distance.

"Right, sorry sorry. This is top secret gang stuff." Sebin chuckled, looking like a little girl that had done something rebellious.

Jaehyun stared at her, mouth slightly agape. "And what did you say? Do you mean like, Jisung has been giving you lessons?"

"Yeah! I mean, something like that. Hey, don't blabber to anyone about this, this is supposed to be top secret." The girl put a finger over her lips in a 'hush' motion. "I'm only telling you this since you're my boyfriend and I trust you."

"So he's been-"
"Here are your drinks." Jaehyun almost jumped out of his skin hearing the voice of the waitress.

Sebin seemed euphoric as she watched the woman pour her some of the fine champagne, ignoring all of Jaehyun's looks. He himself didn't seem to be very concerned with what he was getting served, simply saying 'it's good' at whatever the waitress had poured him.

"Have you guys already decided what you'll be having tonight?" The woman took out her little notepad, ready to take their order.

"Not yet. Could you come back in a couple of minutes please?" Jaehyun shooed her off and she simply bowed and walked away.

"Hey, are you okay? You don't seem very happy." Sebin tilted her head, having spoken as soon as the waitress was far enough to not hear them.

"No, I'm not unhappy, I'm just a little surprised, you know." He chuckled a bit awkwardly.

Sebin didn't seem to notice the fact that he looked on edge, and just smiled. "Good, you scared me for a second. Honestly, I just wanted to feel closer to you and your work. But who knew it'd feel so thrilling!" She seemed to be in her own world as she babbled on.

But Jaehyun couldn't help but feel uneasy.

But Jaehyun couldn't help but feel uneasy

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