Part 15

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Jaehyun was frantic as he ran all the way down the stairs and out in front of the apartment building

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Jaehyun was frantic as he ran all the way down the stairs and out in front of the apartment building. He couldn't bear the thought that she had been taken because of his dumb actions, the guilt giving him the adrenaline he did not have but needed.

He was about to take out his phone and call someone - anyone - for help to ensure Sebin's safety, when he froze hearing a muffled scream followed by silence. Jaehyun's attentive ears caught on where the sound came from easily and he set off running in that direction, which was into a small path in between 2 tall buildings.

It didn't take him long to catch a glimpse of the figure running down the nasty alleyway. He immediately recognized that to be the source of the scream that he saw the unusual bulge on his shoulder.

"HEY, YOU!" Jaehyun yelled out, his voice filled with anger and spite. The masked figure immediately halted and turned around, seeing the powerful male panting heavily.

The chase then continued, and obviously Jaehyun had an advantage since he wasn't carrying an unconscious girl in his arms. It didn't take long for him to catch up and grab the edge of the guy's t-shirt, making him stumble. Due to the loss of balance, he then came crashing down, taking the girl with him.

"You fucking asshole..." Jaehyun barked through gritted teeth, getting on top of the other male and beginning to punch his face mercilessly. Yet he wasn't so easy, and managed to throw the other off of him and stand up.

Jaehyun saw the corners of his eyes going up was the only indication that he was smiling. "I see it didn't take you long. I honestly expected you to come a little later."

"Surrender and I'll consider not killing you." The other spat out.

The masked men let out a low chuckle, sounding almost like a maniac. "We'll see who'll kill who, Jaehyun." He hissed and reached for his belt. He was quick to take out an already loaded handgun, which he immediately pointed at his opponent.

Jaehyun jumped out of the way at the last moment and managed to avoid all of the bullets flying his way. Whoever he was fighting against was by no means a great shooter or a good player in the criminal field in general.

And he seemed to realize he had no chance, that's why his aim shifted towards the unconscious girl on the floor.

Jaehyun's eyes widened. His head cleared of all thoughts, an obnoxious siren beginning to ring in his ears, making his whole body vibrate. The message in it read.

'Save her.'

And that's exactly what he did.

Jaehyun lunged in her direction and covered her with his body just moment before the gun went off yet again. He hissed, the metal bullet having scraped his lower arm, but nothing serious.

The masked guy attempted to shoot yet again, but realized that the magazine of the gun was empty. He cursed under his breath as he shook the weapon, which Jaehyun immediately picked up on. As he raised to his full height and the other man seized him up before turning around and dashing the opposite direction.

Jaehyun was going to run after him, but his eyes landed of the potato sack looking, limp body on the ground.

"Shit." He breathed out, getting down onto his feet beside her. Sebin was laying on her back and Jaehyun cupped her face and pulled it closer to the lamp light.

He immediately noticed the strip of blood going down from her forehead and dripping onto the pavement. Jaehyun blinked a couple of time, the adrenaline beginning to wear out as he felt the stinging of his own wound.

But his worry for her was greater than his own pain as he frantically looked up and down the alley.

That guy, whoever he was, was probably going to be back and this time, maybe not alone. It was too dangerous for the pair to remain here because Jaehyun was literally an idiot who couldn't even apply a bandage properly, so he couldn't help her at the spot in any way.

That's why he made a rash decision and easily picked up the unconscious girl and began speed walking the opposite direction from which the other male had run away in. 

His mind too plagued with frantic worry, he did not realize where he was headed.

His mind too plagued with frantic worry, he did not realize where he was headed

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So where they going?

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