Part 67

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"You have no idea how surprised I was when you called me

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"You have no idea how surprised I was when you called me." Sebin chuckled, taking a small sip of her americano.

Jacob's sea-blue eyes glimmered in the sunlight coming in through the window, a small smile appearing on his lips. He seemed much different from what Sebin had remembered- the red velvet button down shirt having been replaced by a gray Tee, and most notably, his hair went from beach blonde into a hazelnut brown.

Sebin wasn't lying- she was extremely surprised seeing his name on her phone. Even more so when he asked her to hang out. But having nothing else to do really, she accepted it.

The two had met up at a café somewhere in Gangnam, with a beautiful view of the bustling street outside. 

"Consider yourself lucky. Not every girl can have a cute guy friend like myself. asking her to meet up." Jacob said jokingly, sending her a playful wink and Sebin scoffed.

"Whatever. Why did you call me out here anyways?" She leaned back in her chair.

"Don't know. I had nothing to do, and all of my friends are working, so I decided to call you."

"Wooooow. So I was a last resort huh?"

"In retrospect- yes. But you can't blame me, I don't associate you with the greatest memory." Jacob chuckled.

Sebin immediately knew what he was referencing, a slight gasp escaping her lips.

"Are you still mad about that?"

"I wasn't mad in the first place." He shrugged. "Though his punch did hurt."

"I'm really sorr-"
"Don't be. You weren't the one who punched me, were you?" Jacob  assured her. "In other news- how did things work out with that guy by the way? You guys together?"

Sebin let out a long sigh. She expected this to come up eventually, but still struggled with figuring out what she should tell him.

She smiled lightly, looking down into her lap. "Things didn't really... work out let's say."

"Damn." Jacob exhaled. "I'm sorry."

"You didn't do anything wrong, I can tell why you were curious." Sebin looked up, fixing her hair up a little.

"Soo, don't know if I should ask this, but if you're not with him anymore, how about we go ou-"
"Nope, too early."
"Got it."

Sebin chuckled. "Did you think I'd say yes?"

"Nah, not really." Jacob shrugged. "But it's worth asking. Maybe you'd be looking for a distraction, I don't know."

"Not really. I guess I just need some time for myself. You can try again in approximately 3 business months though."

"Wish I could, but I won't be here by then." Jacob smiled.

Sebin's eyebrows raised. "Really? You moving?"

"Yep, I got a business offer in Mexico. No matter how much I love Korea, there's nothing keeping me here." He explained.

"Wow, sounds nice." Sebin gawked.

"It is. Though admittedly, I will miss this place." Jacob smiled, a small hint of sadness visible in his eyes as he looked outside of the window.

"When are  you leaving?" The girl asked.

"In a month or so." He hummed in response.

Suddenly, he straightened up, looking back at her. "Right, I was meaning to ask you. Wanna go to this New Year party with me? My friend is organizing it, and told me to bring a cute girl along."

Sebin wheezed. "I'm flattered, but I can't. I promised my mom I'll go back and celebrate it in my hometown."

"That sucks then." Jacob clicked his tongue.

"Though we should meet up again before you go. Have some drinks maybe." Sebin suggested, and Jacob lit up.

"I'm very bus from here on, but I can't decline such a tempting offer from such a tempting lady." He lowered his tone, sending her a look that Sebin burst out laughing at.

"Oh my god, that was so gross."

Jacob only returned a smile, before a buzz went off in his pocket. He took out his phone, only to take one look at the screen and glance back up.

"Shit, it's my boss."

Sebin raised an eyebrow, but didn't receive any explanation as Jacob quickly stood up, gathering his stuff. "I gotta go, catcha later okay?" He exclaimed hurriedly, before running out with his phone pressed to his ear.

Sebin took a moment to process, a long sigh escaping her lips as she realized that now she had to pay for their coffees. She looked outside, onto the busy street, and watched the people outside.

Regular. They all seemed regular to her.

Probably none of them wished for a motorcycle to hit them. Then to have a fiery romance with the driver of said motorcycle. Or to get involved with the most dangerous mafia around, and falling in love with the feeling of the cold metal of a gun.

Why was Sebin so distant from normality? Why did she want it so bad, but hated it so much at the same time?

Maybe it was because the feeling of excitement made her feel like she was levitating. And that's what Jaehyun always managed to give her- pure, bustling excitement. She was never bored when with him because everything was always so unexpected, so heart-stopping yet beautiful. 

She missed him. She missed him like crazy.

But looking at what was happening in the rest of the world, Sebin couldn't help but drown in the realization that it was all just a big dream. It was too unrealistic, too perfect. She had to sacrifice this euphoric, free feeling in order to return back to being a functioning member of society, like she always had been.

She had to be normal.

And with that defining thought echoing in her mind, Sebin stood up to pay before exiting the café and walking out into the boring, regular world.

And with that defining thought echoing in her mind, Sebin stood up to pay before exiting the café and walking out into the boring, regular world

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