Part 74

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Everything looked exactly the same- the mosaic, marble-made front hall, the exceptionally large windows, the giant black door, and of course the long stairs leading up to the next floor

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Everything looked exactly the same- the mosaic, marble-made front hall, the exceptionally large windows, the giant black door, and of course the long stairs leading up to the next floor. However, unlike before, the chilly breeze of the entrance felt uninviting and foreign and the girl felt wrong inside of that place.

Haeun had been quick to greet the group at the door, nearly squeezing Sebin to death. Some of the others were quick to follow, such as Taeil who had a look of sick worry on his face, and even Naeun who most of the time wasn't so affectionate.

And despite the bland look on Sebin's face, she insisted she was okay, not showing even the slightest of weakness or fear in her stance. She simply implied that she was tired and headed straight off to one of the guest bedrooms on the second floor.

That's when she finally saw him. He stood in the center of the hallway, clearly having just exited his own bedroom. He froze, eyes dead set on hers for a good moment before they slid down to the bag and suitcase that she was dragging behind her.

Sebin felt like her heart had come to a halt. It had already been weeks since she'd last seen him. So much had happened. To her, to both of them.

But the pull she felt towards him never left. In fact, Sebin was holding back her feet from dragging her right to him, into his warm embrace. No matter how much she reminded herself about her new beginning, about how much she hated him, about how he broke her heart, nothing worked.

Nothing could cure the sick and twisted euphoria she felt every time she was with him.

Yet Jaehyun was far from kind, and he once again had to break her heart as he proceeded to walk on forward and right past her.

In any other situation, Sebin may have had a nervous break down right there on the spot, but she felt cold inside. Therefore, she just accepted his heartless gesture and walked forward, not even urging to look backwards at the man that she'd sacrificed her whole life for.

However, as she opened the door to the room at the far end of the corridor and hauled her luggage inside with her, she didn't notice the eyes that were set on her from the other side of the hallway.

Jaehyun's expression hadn't changed at all- eyes still void of emotion and cold, his mafia member persona as some called it. The bright pink dye in his hair had long faded, and had turned into a cold platinum tone that he had decided to keep. A new piercing adorned his face, now on his bottom lip, yet none of that seemed to make an impression. None made him feel like the person he wasn't.

Eventually, after another second of watching the now shut door, he began walking down the stairs, finding some of his members down there at the entrance. 

Jaehyun was easily spotted by Johnny, who in turn sighed with a sad expression on his face.

"He must be having it tough." He muttered quietly, but his thoughts didn't go unheard and Mark sent him a confused glance.


"I told you, didn't I?" Johnny sighed, slightly annoyed. "Besides, you were there that night."

"When he came in all drunk and crying? Yeah that sucked." Mark crossed his arms. "I thought that Sebin had broken up with him."

"That's not the point now, idiot." The elder growled back.

But he couldn't help but look down the stairwell to the garage, already guessing that Jaehyun was going to take one of his bikes out for a ride.

Johnny still clearly remembered that night nearly a month ago. He'd been up late working on some documents and was just going to head to bed when he found himself at the front entrance. As he headed for the stairs, he heard the rough sound of keys in the main door, and when those sounded for on for a bit longer than usual, he had become alerted. But soon enough, the person succeeded and Jaehyun fell right in through the door, the cold wind from outside following him in.

Jaehyun... he'd been more pathetic than Johnny had anyone ever seen be. The tears shamelessly fell from his eyes like waterfalls, staining his plain white t-shirt. Johnny was unsure whether they were tears of sadness or joy, as Jaehyun seemed to be crying in one moment than euphorically laughing the other. He had gripped onto Johnny tightly as the other tried to take his drunk ass to bed, and told him everything. How he broke up with Sebin, how he'd make sure that she'd feel humiliated and horrible in front of all of his friends, that this would ensure that Sebin would never try to join their gang ever again. Johnny was of course horrified, but through slurred words, Jaehyun convinced him that this was the only way, because Sebin didn't love the gang, she loved him.

And ever since then, Jaehyun hadn't been the same. He'd stopped causing trouble at all, and rarely went out anymore, just for bike rides and missions. Although he kept up a happy facade in front of the gang, Johnny noticed the blank stare that he'd have in his eyes for most of the day.

It was truly unfortunate that these two met their other half, but couldn't be together.

"They're like Romeo and Juliet, aren't they?" Mark suddenly appeared next to him, and Johnny nearly jumped.

'You can read my mind?!'

"Yes, I can." The other boy smiled slyly, and Johnny rolled his eyes.

"Don't fuck around with me, fart boy." 
"Hey, you asshole!"

" "Hey, you asshole!"

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