Part 57

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The wide, marble hallways were quiet, as they always were in the late evening

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The wide, marble hallways were quiet, as they always were in the late evening. Not a single light was on, except the blissful shine of the moonlight sneaking in through the tall windows. Despite not a single one of them being open, a mysterious current carried the lightweight, almost transparent curtains and they danced like the dress of an ancient ghost.

The footsteps that then broke the silence were unfitting, as if causing the calm to collapse and disturbing its mystical and unnerving persona.

But they went on, as the figure reached the bottom of the stairs and walked into the grand hallway. His slippers dragged against the marble flooring, rather quickly and urgently. Until they finally reached the end, where you could see a bright slip of artificial light coming from the crack between the door and ground. 

The figure raised a fist, not having to knock twice before being welcomed in.

As he entered, his eyes immediately fell on the loaded desk and specifically the person sitting behind it. Despite the hours and the lulling aura of the darkness outside, she was still wide away, neat and collected. 

Her eyes strictly hovered over the newcomer, skimming over him before she quickly relaxed.

"What brings you here so late, Jaehyun?" Haeun hummed dis-interested, turning back to the stack of papers she was reviewing. "Aren't you leaving tomorrow? You need some sleep for that."

The tips of Jaehyun's lips went up as he sloppily but confidently made his way towards her. "Aren't you a little bit more curious about why I'm here rather than my sleep schedule?"

"Not really. In all honesty, I've already guessed why you're here. And I don't think it's because you're a bored night owl." Haeun smirked as Jaehyun fell into the comfortable chair in front of her desk.

She looked up at him from the edge of her eye sight, catching his strange facial expression.

"You're here because of Sebin applying for a position in NCT."

"Bingo." Jaehyun chuckled as he relaxed back into the chair.

"I told her that I would think about it. Not only because I have to review everything from her work history, to past relationships and such, but because I know that I also need your input on this." Haeun didn't seem to be getting distracted from her work as she spoke. "So you coming here ended up being rather convenient for me."

A silence arose. Usually, Haeun wouldn't mind it, but it was rather unusual coming from Jaehyun himself. Therefore, whilst raising a brow, she looked up and let her hand with the paper fall to her lap.

"So? What did you come here to say?" She asked in a stricter tone.

"Don't give Sebin the job."

The leader of NCT was clearly taken aback by the bold statement, taking a few moments of staring to process what he had said.

"No matter what she tells you, do not let her work for you. And make sure that she doesn't try to go for any other gang within or outside SM. Please do that for me."

Haeun didn't respond, brows furrowing slightly as she thought about what he was saying. She leaned back in her chair, one leg crossing over the other as she scanned him.

"Why are you so against it? I thought you of all people would be ecstatic to find out that she wanted to work here." The girl asked, and couldn't help getting a tad bit suspicious as she did so.

"I know you're against it too." Jaehyun turned the conversation. "You're very close to her, almost as close as me. You of all people should be seeing her potential. She could perform gloriously, yet you seem hesitant. And I think we both know why."

"You don't want to see her get hurt." Haeun concluded, sliding the paper she was holding onto the desk.

"Sebin has a bright future. God knows what could happen to her if she works in this industry. I don't want that for her."

"I get what you mean." The girl sighed whilst once again falling into her comfortable chair. "I wasn't planning to accept her either. Though I'm worried about her response if I tell her. She did already quit her job after all."

"I know. I'll... think about how we can lay her down gently." Jaehyun swiped a hand through his hair. "Just stall for time. I'll explain everything to her once I come back, and I'll help her get a new job for when she can finally go back home."

"Fine. Seems like a deal to me." Haeun smiled up at him. "Now go back to bed, you have to leave early tomorrow morning."

"Yes, boss." Jaehyun chuckled, getting up from his seat.

He began walking towards the door, but stopped as he heard his name being called. "Jaehyun?"

"Sebin... she's a keeper."

"What do you mean?" Jaehyun frowned.

"I've seen the way you look at her. The way she looks at you. She's the first girl that romantically broke through your heart. Just try not to lose her." 

Jaehyun could see how genuine Haeun was being. After all, she was Sebin's friend too. She wanted to look out for both of them.

Jaehyun smiled. "Don't worry. I won't."

And then he left.

This made more sense in my head

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This made more sense in my head

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