Part 1

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The girl turned in her bed upon hearing the blaring sound of her alarm

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The girl turned in her bed upon hearing the blaring sound of her alarm. Dismayed, Choi Sebin stirred in her sleep, a quiet groan escaping her chapped lips. It took her a few seconds to register what was going on, before her hand began roaming through the soft sheets. She barely had any difficulties finding the phone and blindly clicked on it, the roaring of the alarm breaking off creating a silence in the room.

Sebin's eyes slowly fluttered open, immediately shutting upon being met with the bright sunlight pouring through the window in front of her. After humming in annoyance, she turned to her other side, one eye managing to creak open.

For a few minutes, an internal fight kept the girl stuck in her bed until she finally dragged herself up and her bare feet were met with the cold floor. Still half-asleep, she stumbled out the door and straight into the bathroom, getting undressed along the way.

She turned on the showed and hopped in, exhaling at the hot water falling onto her naked body.

As much as Sebin tried to deny it, she dreaded her life. Waking up in the morning was a struggle as all she wanted to do was just sit at home all day. There was absolutely nothing interesting about her existence, nothing to make her heart leap. She had no interests or many friends and was usually too overloaded with work to go out.

But she needed to go on. She needed to get used to it, like any other adult who just strives for a normal life. 

Yes, that's what she had to do.

The rest of her morning routine was a blur, and Sebin only managed to recollected herself whilst pushing the door to the apartment building open, the chilly air hitting her face. Although the mornings were still bright, it was becoming colder by the day, announcing that winter is rapidly approaching. The girl walked amidst the people, watching as leaves detached from the many trees and slowly fell to the ground, immediately getting stomped on by someone. 

Sebin pulled her coat tighter around herself to bring more warmth to her slightly shivering body. She began walking slightly quicker, eager to get to the bus stop earlier amongst the hundreds of other workers passing by her. Glancing to her left, she saw the already packed Japanese fish market. She of course, strolled right past it, not getting distracted by anything in order to not be late for her 9 to 5 job.

As she was closing in, there were sudden screams coming from behind her. Turning around in curiosity like everyone else, she was faced with a motorcycle driving at a furious speed- right at her.

The girl's breath hitched as the driver flashed the headlights- signaling for her to move. But the sudden adrenaline that invaded her head made her do the opposite. Her feet were planted on the ground, and she was unable to move out of the way. As the vehicle closed in, she only managed to shut her eyes tightly and take a single step back, getting ready for the impact.

She wanted it to hit her.

But the hit never came. Instead, there was a loud squeak and the roaring of the engine died down. Feeling absolutely nothing, Sebin opened her eyes and was faced with a man in a black helmet. 

He had managed to maneuver the motorcycle sideways, making it skid and stopping it right by the girls feet. He had used his own leg and had it on the ground, making the vehicle stand at a tilted angle.

Sebin shakily exhaled the breath she had been unknowingly holding as she stared at the dimmed glass of his helmet. His chest was rising up and down slowly as he calmed himself from his equally high adrenaline.

"ARE YOU INSANE?" His yell was harsh and full of judgement. Only then did Sebin process what had just happened. "DO YOU WANNA KILL YOURSELF OR WHAT?!"

She parted her lips to try to manage a reply, at least an apology, but nothing came out and she just stood there dumbfounded like an idiot. At that moment, there was another deafening roar and more yells and the guy on the motorcycle snapped his head, glancing backwards.

"Shit-" Sebin heard him cuss breathily before he turned to her again. "MOVE!" 

This time without a second thought, she jumped out the way as he started the motorcycle again. The engine growled before the guy sped off, causing Sebin's hair to raise in the air due to the sudden wind. A few seconds later, a black car also passed by making her flinch.

She looked into the distance and caught a glimpse of the motorcycle and the driver on it. But they quickly disappeared and a minute later everything went right back to normal.

 But they quickly disappeared and a minute later everything went right back to normal

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