Part 35

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"I expected you, Jaehyun

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"I expected you, Jaehyun." Was the first thing he heard upon entering the room through a dirty, shaky door that was on the verge of falling out from the single hinge that it was still attached to.

The room had been turned into a simple office: a heavy looking desk made out of dark, polished wood with an old bulky computer on top of it as well as a couple of sheets and folders. The walls were lined with bookshelves and chests of drawers containing meaningless documents and agreements of little to no value. This was the office of someone that had basically no status, having only earned this place out of loyalty and not out of skill.

"I'm sorry for arriving late, Minsoo." Jaehyun grumbled out in a low voice, twisting the knife between his fingers menacingly. He wanted to make sure that the other party knew exactly what he was there to do.

Yet that didn't seem to bother Minsoo as he barely spared the weapon a glance before scoffing and looking away with a smirk on his lips. "You know my name and whereabouts already. Impressive." He then turned back towards Jaehyun, raising an amused brow.

"But I expected nothing less from NCT."

"You know I'm here to kill you, right?" Jaehyun clarified, pointing the dripping knife towards the opposing male.

"Of course I know." Minsoo laughed out in mockery. "But you're not here just for that, are you?" 

Jaehyun pulsed his lips together, a clear sign of agreement to the other.

Then, Minsoo sent him the most devilish smile with his painfully white teeth. "Well, you won't get any answers from me." 

Jaehyun's tongue poked into his cheek annoyed, eyes narrowing at the other individuals. He knew that it wouldn't be easy to get any information out of him, since he was extremely loyal to his gang. That's what made him think how he would choke it out of him.

One word: torture.

And just as he was about to make his move towards him, the wood under him creaked and shifted weirdly at his first step.

Jaehyun saw Minsoo's entire body tense, his sinister smile falling completely, so he looked down and noticed the lose floor board under his heavy, black shoe.

"How stupid."
A smirk came up to Jaehyun's lips, immediately realizing what this was.

Now in panic, Minsoo was quick to react. He got up, his chair violently crashing onto the floor with enough force to dent it, and he then grabbed the handgun that had been in his open cupboard and clicked off the safety. 

Jaehyun heard the sound too, and as shots began getting fired, he was already out of his previous position. And he kept skillfully dodging them, a single one scraping his black leather jacket and cutting the material, but otherwise he was unharmed. 

After firing many reckless and not-well-aimed shots, Minsoo attempted the trigger again yet this time nothing happened. The crushing realization that he had exhausted the magazine without even harming his opponent came crashing down onto him and he scrambled to put more bullets in, knowing that the other would soon notice his mistake.

And Jaehyun clearly did, only then running towards Minsoo across the short space and quickly tackling him to the ground. Yet he didn't want him dead just yet, therefore he slipped the knife back into his waistband and began aiming merciless punches into the other male's face.

Minsoo desperately tried to defend himself, managing to throw Jaehyun off of him, but didn't get up quickly enough, and with a kick, his face was rammed into the ground once again. A loud, painful crunch sounded through the air, signifying that his nose had completely shattered at the huge impact.

And Minsoo remained on the ground, face-down, panting. It was over, he knew it was over.

Jaehyun stared down at him mercilessly before walking up to him, grabbing the roots of his short black hair before pulling him upwards, receiving a scowl from the other male's lips.

"This is what you fucking deserve for trying to do that to her." Jaehyun spat out, his true intentions behind coming here finally being revealed.

Minsoo let out a suppressed, pained chuckle, his teeth coated with blood as he looked up at his opponent with a wide, almost psychotic smile. "Oh, so this is why you're here? I didn't know that she was that important to you. Choi Sebin, was it?" He thought aloud.

Jaehyun's fist clenched tighter onto the male's hair, creating more tension and pain.

"What, do you think that killing me will just lead you two to a peaceful life?" Minsoo continued speaking with a voice full of amused disbelief.

"Jaehyun, you should know that by now everyone in the Golden Snakes knows her face. And she will die whether you kill me or not." 

"Are you trying to get your pathetic self to not die?" Jaehyun wasn't even in the mood to laugh, instead asked the questions with an extremely serious tone.

"No. I just want you to let that sink in. That bitch, Sebin, will die. And you'll be next." Minsoo continuously smiled. He then erupted into a low chuckle whilst staring right into Jaehyun's tense facial features. 

And without hesitation, Jaehyun took out the knife and swiftly slashed the man's throat.

He didn't bother watching Minsoo's eyes widening or him choking up blood as he fell forward onto the floor, his aim was the lose floorboard. He walked up to it, not paying any attention to the weird noises coming from the man who was going to die in a few seconds, and tore it open. Under it was a black safe, it seemed rather old according to the ugly, brown stains of rust.

And then, just as silently he had walked in, he was out the back door.

I just found out I have to learn an entire play by memory for my English IGCSE 🤠Anyways how yall doing?

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I just found out I have to learn an entire play by memory for my English IGCSE 🤠
Anyways how yall doing?

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