Part 56

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Jaehyun ran a hand through his wet hair then tightened the knot on his bathrobe

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Jaehyun ran a hand through his wet hair then tightened the knot on his bathrobe. His eyes trailed towards the bed, and upon seeing no one there, they then landed on the desk where he saw her curled up figure.

With a small smile, he came up to her from behind and leaned down, wanting to kiss the top of her head. But before his lips could meet her hair, Sebin instinctively ducked down, restricting him from doing that.

Jaehyun raised his eyebrows in surprise, watching as she pushed herself away and stood up, immediately crossing her arms.

"Babe?" He asked confused.

"Yeah, I'm not feeling it." Sebin looked away, keeping her chin high.

Jaehyun couldn't help but snicker, seeing her strange and unusual behavior. "Are you still mad about the fact that I'm going on a business trip?"

"No, of course not." Sebin exclaimed quickly, but refused to make eye contact.

"Mhm, I see." Jaehyun wasn't buying that at all. He looked down at his arm, seeing the red spot that would soon turn into a fresh bruise. "Wasn't beating me up today enough for you?"

"Beat you up? Honey I wasn't even trying." She answered sassily.

"Sure you weren't. But c'mon, don't be mad. Come here and I'll make it up to you." Jaehyun's arms opened invitingly, wanting her to come and give him a hug.

But Sebin simply rolled her eyes, stepping back and in the direction of the door. "Yeah, forget that." 

Yet she couldn't make it too far before feeling the harsh grip on her waist and arm. Within a second, she was already pressed against the wall, hot breaths fanning her forehead as she stared down at his chest.

Sebin then felt the warm touch of his hand gripping her chin, delicately moving it upwards so she would face him. His other palm snaked down her arm before sliding into hers, pressuring her further into the wall.

"What do you have to say?" Sebin cleared her throat, trying her best to ignore the fire igniting within her body.

And just by looking at her breaking body language, Jaehyun smirked. His expression had completely changed- now looking brutal and ruthless but in a lustful way. He wanted to toy with her, in the way that he knew would turn her on the most. 

His thumb slowly slid down from where it was on her cheekbone down to her lips. He brushed them softly, immediately receiving an urged inhale in response.

Jaehyun licked his lips, eyes coming into contact with hers. "The cherry chapstick again?" He asked in a low, growling voice.

Sebin swallowed hard, looking off to the side nervously. "What's that to you?"

"You put it on because you know I love it, right?" Jaehyun teased, leaning in even closer. Seeing that she was no longer looking at him, his hand went right back to her chin and pulled it towards him. "Look at me."

"Yeah, so what?" Sebin smiled maliciously. "You won't be having any of it."

"Oh yeah? You're sure you don't want me? You look very..." Jaehyun trailed off, eyes shamelessly sliding up and down her body. "...impatient."

The girl simply rolled her eyes, pushing his hand away and beginning to walk away. "Sure, sure. If I were impatient I wouldn't be walking away now would I?" 

But yet again, she didn't have the time to get away before she was grabbed again. This time, she was pinned down onto the soft sheets of the bed, Jaehyun's body hovering above hers. He didn't hesitate: attaching his lips to hers instantaneously. And Sebin simply couldn't help herself: allowing his tongue into her mouth as she gripped the silky sheets under her body. One of Jaehyun's hands slid into hers, pressing her more to the bed.

The temperature in the room had risen by a hundred degrees, especially as Sebin tugged at the only component holding his bathrobe together, stripping him naked before her eyes.

"Oh so that's how you wanna play?" Jaehyun growled into her ear, his voice alone forcing a rushed breath to come into her mouth. "Alright. That's how we're going to play." 

And then he attached their lips once again.

Wrapped in his arms, Sebin felt safe, happy, satisfied. Like that's exactly where she was supposed to be. 

She stared off at the wall, enjoying how Jaehyun shifted closer from behind her, his arms tightening around her waist.

"Hey Jay." Sebin whispered tiredly, eyes dropping slightly.

"Yes baby girl?" He asked in a much calmer tone than before, his voice appearing right at her ear.

"I love you." Sebin suddenly blurted out, catching Jaehyun completely by surprise.

The simple phase instantly warmed him up, a content smile falling on his lips. He didn't know how to respond, lips sealed shut from the surprise.

"Are you not going to say it back?" He could hear her pouty lips as she spoke.

Jaehyun laughed. "I love you too, cutie."

"Mhm. That's what I thought." Sebin muttered, holding onto his arms tightly as she slowly went off to dreamland.

" Sebin muttered, holding onto his arms tightly as she slowly went off to dreamland

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that went from smut to fluff real fast

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