Part 76

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Teenage sweetheart

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Teenage sweetheart.

Teenage sweetheart.

Teenage sweetheart.

Those words didn't seem to process, or they processed all too well, but it was an overbear on Jaehyun's mind. Those 2 words seemed to be spinning around it, replacing any other thought that he had.

With yet another kick, he let out a loud groan of frustration. When the subject of his violence let out another cry, identically pathetic and powerless as the ones he'd been exclaiming for a whole 15 minutes, Jaehyun felt like he was going to explode.

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled out, sending yet another harsh and gruesome kick, this time aimed at the man's head. And that seemed to have done it, as the bloodied up, scrawny guy finally remained quiet from having passed out.

Jaehyun stood towering above him, his pants heavy and his knuckles coloring in all shades of purple, blue and black. He didn't feel remorse- the guy was the one who tried to jump on him first. Too bad for him that he ended up as a tragic punching bag.

But nearly beating this guy to death did not bring Jaehyun any relief. It didn't make him feel better, and that was absurd- hurting opposing gang members was probably his favourite thing in the world. However, this guy apparent wasn't enough to satisfy Jaehyun's craving for blood.

That or either beating up people had stopped being Jaehyun's favourite thing in the world.

At the thought, he once again yelled out angrily, turning to spit on the passed-out man's body.

It infuriated him- he'd expected Sebin to turn to other men when he broke up with her, but had absolutely no idea how much it would actually affect him. What's worse is that he had absolutely no say about it, because he'd broken up with her. Yet somehow, he for once started thinking about whether he made the right decision.

'Of course I made the right decision.'
He persisted to himself.
'Otherwise she would've gotten herself killed.'

But the more deeply he thought, the more conflicted he felt. He remembered how she'd told him that she wanted to join NCT out of her own will, but that didn't align with her terrified face when she was nearly kidnapped, or her terrified voice when she had finally blown someone's face off. Deep inside, Jaehyun was only scared of losing the people he loved, and whilst with the rest of the NCT members he only met them when they had already put their lives at stake, he couldn't bear to see Sebin in danger.

'I need to get this shit off my mind.'
Jaehyun thought, and didn't even glance by at the mutilated body on the floor before walking off.


"Sebinnieee~~ I've missed you so muchh~~~" Jiah said in the most cringe-worthy voice ever, and Sebin rolled her eyes with a sigh. She was truly exhausted over having been interrogated about her 'teenage sweetheart' by Haeun for a total of 3 hours.

"Sure, sure."

"Did you get me that fish?"

"Of course babe, and I stunk up the entire train with it." Sebin admitted, causing the latter to chuckle.

"Awww, you're the love of my life Sebinnie." Jiah once again tried to get clingy, and Sebin accepted it.

"Okay, we can't just be sitting out here in the middle of Seoul. Let's go get some brunch or something."


The two girls began making their way towards a nearby crepe place, passing by several shops and getting extremely distracted by jewelry that was way too expensive for them to buy. As they made their way around a corner, Sebin looked ahead only to stop dead in her tracks in shock.

"Huh? Sebin?" Jiah paused right beside her with a curious look. "What's wrong?"

But despite her mouth hanging open, Sebin could not speak a single word. Her mind repeatedly filled with thoughts, then went blank, in a loop that seemed to last forever.

He wasn't difficult to distinguish in the minor crowds on the street. His platinum hair seemed soft as usual, though it was a bit disheveled and rough-looking. He was wearing a white, loose t-shirt, a black leather jacket and some dark jeans. Of course, his face as charming as usual.

But what caught Sebin's attention the most was the woman beside her. She had waist-long, cherry-red hair, and the body of a greek goddess. She proudly showed it off with a matching crop top and skirt set, and glossy pink barbie-looking heels. Her face was that of a stunner, with plump and pinkish lips, and a completely beautiful makeup look,

The woman had her arm hooked around his, a wide, sweet grin adorning her pretty face. She stood so close to him that Sebin felt suffocated even from that far away. And worst of all, Jaehyun accepted it warmly, hooking an arm around her waist and rubbing the top of her head adoringly.

The first emotion that Sebin could recognize after the initial shock was rage. Pure, heat-struck, disgustingly jealous rage. It was as if all of those weeks of telling herself to move on and to quit thinking about her life had gone straight to the garbage, and suddenly she was in the same mental state as that dreadful night a month ago.

But on the outside, Sebin's eyes resembled the void, her emotions so internalized that her face was stone-cold. Jiah's face was filled with confusion as she eyed her best friend, before slowly moving her eyes to whatever the latter was staring at so deeply.

"Do you know-" Jiah trailed off, a sudden light bulb lighting up above her head in realization. "Wait, don't tell me that's-"

"It's not." Sebin snapped suddenly, her voice deep and cold. "Let's go, I'm hungry."

"But wait-" Jiah began, watching as the handsome stranger and the beautiful woman began climbing onto his motorcycle, but when she turned around, Sebin was already walking away.

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