Part 40

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Jaehyun was immediately put on alert, his state of shock quickly ending, giving space to unexplainable, demonic rage

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Jaehyun was immediately put on alert, his state of shock quickly ending, giving space to unexplainable, demonic rage. An alarm in his head chanted "don't fucking touch her, don't fucking touch her, don't fucking touch her", but his teeth were too clench to even let him speak. A pump of just adrenaline invaded his bloodstream and he was ready to kill the guy.

But just as he stepped in their direction, he was surprised by the loud, authoritative voice that he heard next. 

"You fucking asshole."

In the split of a second, the guy was hunched over, hands gripping his groin and his mouth emitting pained cries. Above him, in all her glory, stood an equally angered Sebin. Her face was unusually twisted in a malicious and fear-inducing frown, and her eyes looked like lasers as she glared at the guy with deep hatred.

"HOW DARE YOU EVEN FUCKING TOUCH ME YOU PIG-LOOKING, DISGUSTING ASS MOLESTER!" She had been completely ignited, so badly that even the grown-ass man seemed to be backing off. 

"Hey, Sebin, I can explai-"
"What is there to explain??? You constantly touching me? Purposefully leading me away from society? Trying to RAPE ME?!" Sebin continued with no hesitation. 

She stepped forward, grasping the roots of his hair and yanking him upwards. Dongyul let out another screech, but this time managed to push her hand away and waddle back.

"Rape you? Don't you dare use that on me." He growled towards Sebin. "You stupid fucking feminist. If maybe you haven't dressed up like a whore and given me hints all night I wouldn't have misunderstood. You didn't seem to mind whenever I put my hand around you, you seemed to be enjoying it fake ass bitch."

Sebin couldn't help but let out a scoff, adjusting her jacket that Dongyul had managed to partially remove from her bare shoulders. "A whore?"

"Yes, you fucking-"
"You really are a piece of shit, aren't you?" She was in utter disbelief. "I NEVER gave you any hints. I never gave you any of my consent. I WAS FUCKING TRYING TO FIGHT YOU when you took me here and tried to get me back to your nasty ass place. Don't fucking play this game with me you rapist. Or I'll just have more evidence to give to the police." Sebin threatened, towering over him with confidence.

"Police you say?" Dongyul choked out, almost in laughter. "Who says you'll make it there? Cause sweetie, you may think that a kick in the nuts will work but this isn't a kdrama. When I'm over with you, you'll be too ashamed to even tell anyone that I was with you." He stood back up to his full height, again coming threateningly close. 

But before Dongyul could even reach for Sebin, his hand was grabbed and swiftly twisted painfully behind his back. He let out a loud stream, falling to his knees as a foot rammed into the back of his leg. 

"I don't think you'll live enough to survive that." 

There walk was utterly silent, being made even more apparent by their sound-less surroundings. Sure, a car or two drove by occasionally, passing the beautiful sidewalk lit up by countless of white lights bathing the pathway. But otherwise, it was quiet.

Sebin was still breathing heavily, adrenaline wearing off once she finally realized what could have happened to her today. She still felt dirty, the memory of those nasty hands roaming all over her body made her sick to the stomach. She just wanted to go home and take a long, thoughtful shower before doing as she had previously thought.

Jaehyun turned towards the dozed off girl, eyeing her with actual worry in his eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" He genuinely asked, in a careful and soft tone.

It took a couple of seconds for Sebin to respond when she suddenly turned to him. "Huh?"

"I mean, that is... not the best of experiences." Jaehyun responded awkwardly, also not being able to describe the situation.

Maybe it was the aftershock, or Sebin just being so fucking exhausted, but she exploded in silent laughter. The other eyed her in confusion, watching as joyful tears began gathering in her eyes and she fought with herself for a breath of air. 

After her little episode, Sebin stopped whilst staring at him, Jaehyun following suit.

"Hey, at least there's one good thing that's coming out of this." She chuckled lowly, a ghostly, but happy smile on her face. She then raised her hand, catching a small strand of his dark hair into it as she began twirling it. "You'll look amazing with pink hair." 

Jaehyun didn't respond, even when their gazes met. He could see the reflection of the street lights in her eyes, her facial features beautifully decorated by her soft smile. Her hand that was resting close to his cheek made his heart begin beating furiously. Something about her just drove him absolutely insane, yet he couldn't pinpoint what. He'd never felt like that before.

And Sebin could just shriek loudly as he easily grabbed her by the waist and threw her over his shoulder, beginning to speed walk.

"HEY, WHAT THE FUCK??" She yelled out in desperation hitting his back.

"No time for chitchat, I wanna fucking go home. I've had absolutely enough babysitting you and you don't even seem to want to fucking walk." He ranted rather quietly, but just loud enough to let the girl over his shoulder hear.

"Sure, sure, I get that but could you put me down and simply give me a piggy back ride for fucks sake?!" She argued.

With a huff, Jaehyun stopped and put her down, turning around and crouching. Sebin wasted no time jumping on his back, hands wrapping around his neck and pressing her cheek against the back of it, feeling his hands securely wrap around her legs for support. 

And somehow his touch felt safe to her. It felt completely different from that asshole's, as if Jaehyun and her had known each other for a millennia. And she could freely melt into it, because he made her feel comfortable and secure. 

"Hey." She whispered into his ear.
"Do you wanna have a Harry Potter speedrun tonight?" She asked with hope.

"Hell yeah. We gotta watch it all before it gets taken off of Netflix at the end of this year." Jaehyun hummed.

"Great, let's get some ice cream and snacks on our way back to the house." She smiled into his skin.

"Oh, by the way, you didn't actually kill him, did you?"
"I beat him to near-death. But no, he should be alive."
"Okay, cool, good to know. You should've killed him though."
"What the fuck Sebin-"
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You shouldn't get yourself into any potential trouble."
"I doubt that you were kidding, but sure."

The silence was comfortable, so comfortable that Sebin almost drifted off. But before she could, she put herself even closer to him and whispered:
"Thank you." 


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but yeah, hp is getting taken off of Netflix the 31st. Sad :(l

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