Part 62

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Sebin let out a loud huff as she dropped down onto the gray couch

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Sebin let out a loud huff as she dropped down onto the gray couch.

She had been organizing her mess of an apartment for hours, and despite it not being perfectly clean just yet, she was just too exhausted to keep going.

"I'll just clean up tomorrow." Sebin muttered to herself, then reached to the coffee table to grab her phone. Bringing it up to her face, the screen automatically lit up revealing the 22:37 mark. Her eyes wandered down, but there was nothing more but a google update notification.

A heavy sigh leaving her lips, Sebin let her hand drop to her side.

It had now been a couple of days since Haeun had urged the girl to go home. Apparently, she wasn't in such grave danger that would force her to stay in the gang house. Sebin wasn't very on with the idea, but reluctantly agreed, knowing that until she managed to score that job they didn't want her snooping in mafia business.

But ever since she moved out, she noticed something off with Jaehyun. He rarely replied to her texts, and when he did, he was extremely dry and unenthusiastic. It often felt like he was avoiding her.

At first, Sebin didn't think of it that much as she was busy moving. But as a couple of days passed, she couldn't help but notice it more and more, stirring up anxious thoughts in her gut. Had she done something? Did something go wrong? Did he actually never love her and just used her and now that she doesn't live at the house anymore he was letting her go?

Sebin let out a frustrated grunt, turning to her side and putting the phone back right in front of her face. She unlocked it using her fingerprint, then went to her messages and clicked where it said Baby.

 She unlocked it using her fingerprint, then went to her messages and clicked where it said Baby♥

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He never did.

Sebin couldn't help herself from staring at the faint label under her texts that stated 'delivered'. Not that she would've been any less hurt by his lack of affection if he had left her on seen, but at least she'd feel more at ease knowing that he's alright and reading her messages just fine. 

The thought of Jaehyun potentially being in trouble drove the girl insane, and she began wondering whether she should call Haeun to confirm this or make sure that he's not in any sort of trouble.

But before she could decide, she heard a humble knock at her door.


Her breath hitched for a moment, head slowly turning in the direction of the front door. She was only brought out of the state of surprise when another knock ensued, this time a tiny bit louder.

Without hesitation, Sebin jumped up from the couch and sprinted over to the door of her apartment. She didn't bother looking through the peep hole and simply threw it open, revealing the person on the other side.

Sebin stood there a tad bit speechless, mouth slightly agape at the surprise of seeing him here. "Jae-"

Yet her words were interrupted as Jaehyun's fingers latched onto her face and he crashed his lips against hers. Sebin's palms instinctively wrapped around his wrists, but not in restraint, rather as an invitation.

The kiss was long, hungry and desperate. It conveyed so many emotions and hidden thoughts that Sebin almost felt overwhelmed. She enjoyed it of course, the way Jaehyun effortlessly backed her into the apartment and shut the door with his foot, it was incredible.

But her worried instincts kicked in, and the girl forced herself to pull away.

Jaehyun was panting, looking down at her in slight confusion as Sebin leaned back. She remained in the comfort of his hands as her eyes stared up at his.

"Why are you here? Are you alright? Did anything happen?" The questions boggled up in her mind just spilled out.

Jaehyun shook his head. "No, I'm alright."

"I know you, Jae. You wouldn't not respond to my messages and then show up here out of nowhere. What happened?"

Jaehyun's lips remained tightly shut, and Sebin noticed the way his Adam's apple throbbed in hesitation.

But eventually, a simple and small yet butterfly-inducing sentence escaped in a small breath.

"I missed you, Choi Sebin."

And with that he re-attached their lips, even more roughly than before. Sebin didn't question it any longer, letting herself be gently laid down onto the couch and being topped by the only man in her heart. Her hands latched onto his neck and the sides of his face, making the heated make-out session more enjoyable.

Sebin lover the way his lips engulfed hers, how his hands didn't hesitate to explore every part of her body, the way he would only pull away for seconds and main intense eye contact before going right back to what he was doing. 

And the intense pleasure completely drowned out any remains of worry and concern, as Sebin simply melted herself into the moment.

And the intense pleasure completely drowned out any remains of worry and concern, as Sebin simply melted herself into the moment

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aight so should they fuck or nah

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