Part 53

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"Oh my god shut it!" Sebin whisper-yelled, anxiously looking around to find many dirty glares being sent in their direction.

Jiah was almost vibrating from the excitement, completely forgetting about the pasta that she had ordered and only wanting to listen to her best friend about her hot experience. Of course Sebin had to tell her, or otherwise the other girl would've gotten it out of her with ease.

"I called it, I knew you guys would get together, but I didn't expect you guys to sleep together so early in the relationship!!!" Jiah squealed, trying her hardest to keep her voice down. "Was it good?" She then asked, lowering her voice to a mere whisper.

Sebin pulsed her lips together, looking around anxiously before carefully leaning in with a small nod. "Yes oh my god it was so good." 

"YES GURL GET THAT-" Jiah cut herself off before she could finish the sentence, noticing that she was already on thin ice with the restaurant staff. "...dick." She whispered.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Sebin rolled her eyes playfully whilst shoving some lasagna into her mouth.

"Though seriously, I'm really happy for you. And I'm so glad that what happened at the double date didn't affect you so much." Jiah got a bit serious, raising her wine glass. "Cheers to you and Jaehyun."

"It's not that much of a big deal." Sebin grimaced, but also raised her glass in toast. "Cheers." 

Then they both downed the wine, letting out satisfied sighs afterwards.

"I've never seen you so happy when talking about your boyfriend. Damn, Jaehyun must be the one." Jiah raised an eyebrow.

Sebin simply blushed, eager to change the flow of the conversation. "No, that spot is already taken."

"Huh? By who?"

"By you my sexy girl." Sebin suddenly said in a low voice, winking seductively.

Jiah couldn't help but burst out into laughter, almost crying from how hard her lungs stung. "Oh my god yes. Hoes before bros." 

"I'll drink again to that." Sebin chuckled.

Sebin ran a hand through her hair as she arrived back into the room. She instantly threw the purse onto the couch, walking towards the bed to drop onto it and take a very well deserved nap.

But she couldn't, because after just a seconds she felt two strong hands slip around her waist and tightly pull her back. Sebin squealed, feeling her body hit against someone else's. She could feel his chest heavily rising and falling, head nuzzling into the crook of her neck.

"Jaehyun?" She asked, slightly cautiously, thought she could already tell it was him.

"Hm?" He hummed back, beginning to rock them side-to-side.

"What's up with you?" Sebin giggled, hands going up to squeeze his.

Jaehyun didn't answer, just taking a long breath whilst taking in her scent. Then, he slowly removed himself from her, using the hands on her hips to turn her around towards him.

Sebin looked up to see his face. His expression was strange. She'd never seen that hesitance, even a slight hint of fear and regret.

She raised a surprised eyebrow. "Jae? Are you okay?"

"I just... wanted to talk to you about something." Jaehyun exclaimed, voice low and shy.

"What is it?"
"I want you to teach me."
"Teach you what?"
"How to be a boyfriend."

"What?" Sebin laughed, although it sounded more confused than amused. "What do you mean?"

"I've never been in a real relationship before. I know how to fuck, make-out and take someone out on a romantic date, but I have no idea what a relationship is outside of that. You're literally the only girl I've ever wanted more than just sexually, I want to genuinely want to be together with you. And I really don't want to mess up what we have because of my incompetence. I don't want to lose you..."

"Jaehyun..." Sebin was utterly speechless, rarely seeing this soft side of him.

He let out a soft laugh. "I mean, I know how messed up this is. I'm literally a gang member, and you're just someone innocent that simply just got involved with me. I don't even know how you even like me-"

"I do. And I don't know how either, but I do." Sebin placed a finger on his lips, shutting him up. "And about that... I mean I get it but I don't at the same time, but this is something that we can gradually work through. I'll make sure to guide you and tell you what I find comfortable and uncomfortable. Don't you worry about that." She smiled wide.

Jaehyun let out a sigh. "Another thing... Do you think we're taking this too fast?"

He watched as her expression twisted into confusion, making sure to try to explain himself.

"I mean like I don't know how you feel about taking relationships fast because like you've been in a couple and I haven't and I know I used to be a literal man whore and I really don't want to make you uncomfortable and especially when we literally had sex the first day I told you I like you and I-"

"Oh wow man chill, you won't be able to breathe soon." Sebin laughed out, making him stop. "And no, I'm not uncomfortable! Sure it's new but... I do want to take it fast with you." She assured with a smile.

"Really?" Jaehyun asked in a hopeful voice and she nodded.



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