Part 33

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His steps were a bit disoriented and sloppy as he walked through the giant, cold marble hallways of the mansion

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His steps were a bit disoriented and sloppy as he walked through the giant, cold marble hallways of the mansion. He wasn't completely sober, but because of all of his experience with alcohol, he easily made his way up the stairs to his room.

Yet he had completely forgotten about it's new inhabitant, and as he barged in, he made the girl casually sitting at the desk jump up in surprise. They both turned to see each other, quickly making eye contact.

"Jaehyun, you scared me!" Sebin yelled out in surprise, clutching the fabric of the beige hoodie right where her heart was supposed to be. 

"Oh... sorry."

The girl scrunched up her nose, his strong odor reaching her senses. "Oh god, you smell like a volcano fart."

Due to his unstable state, Jaehyun burst out into laughter so hard that he had to hunch over with a hand on his stomach and his eyes dwelled up with joyful tears. Sebin was quite surprised at his explosive reaction, carefully getting up and walking up to him, the smell of alcohol becoming apparent amongst the one of cigarettes. 

"You were drinking?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Just... a little." He exclaimed, a hiccup coming out in between his words.

"I'm not even gonna ask." Sebin sighed. "Just go take a shower, I'm begging you."

"I was gonna do that anyways." Jaehyun muttered, eyes unattentively and carelessly sliding across the room before he began slowly began dragging himself towards the bathroom.


Jaehyun emerged half an hour later, now a little more sobered up. He had put on fresh clothing, including a giant white t-shirt, black adidas sweatpants and his habitual gray slippers. There was a towel in his hand, which he used to dry his dark brown hair, which was still pretty wet from the long shower he had taken.

Sebin was still sitting at the desk, the laptop illuminating her concentrated face as she scrolled through the website. Every once in a while, she would stop and click on a random product, soon later deciding whether she should close the tab or put it in her basket. 

She didn't even notice Jaeyun who crept up behind her, only acknowledging his presence when his two sculptured and extremely veiny hands gripped onto the edges of the desk, one on each side of her. 

"What are you doing?" His voice was low and more raspy, sending a shiver down the girl's spine as she heard it right beside her ear. It brought a wave of heat that flew right through her body, and partially up to her cheeks, but she shook it off and just shrugged.

"Buying makeup. I can't really go out anywhere, so I need to buy everything online." She explained dryly, trying not to pay attention to his looming presence just centimeters away from her back.

Jaehyun just hummed, yet didn't remove himself and Sebin felt more and more uneasy with him there. Not that he was uncomfortable, but the somehow intriguing and sensual proximity just didn't feel right for some reason.

She only got back to her right mind as he continued speaking after a short silence. "Wait, are you buying this for the blind date?"

"Huh?" Sebin blinked her eyes furiously for a few seconds, trying to recollect herself. "Oh, not really, I just needed to stock up. But yeah, it would be useful for that." The change of conversation brought her back to the kitchen moment where she had gotten so annoyed with him for teasing her.

"Oh wow I thought you were just trying to bluff to try to prove me wrong." Jaehyun let out a low chuckle, and just like that, Sebin was already getting heated, in the angry way this time.

"I'm actually going to prove you wrong. Blind dates are easy peasy lemon squeezy" She impulsively turned the chair around to face him, her breath hitching as soon as she did so.

Their faces were closer than she had expected, with him looking down at her tinier than ever figure, as she had her legs crossed on top of her chair. Her glasses were casually chilling on the bridge of her nose, nicely matching her jet black hair that naturally flowed down to her chest.

Despite feeling just a little intimidated by the position they were in, Sebin continued putting up a strong and confident front as she frowned at him.

"I bet that you will chicken out in the last moment and cancel." A cocky smirk appeared on Jaehyun's lips.

The girl raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? What are you betting?"

"If I win..." He trailed off, thinking of what to propose. "... you will do whatever I ask you too."

Sebin seemed extremely confident as she replied. "Okay fine. And if I win, you have to dye your hand pink." 

Jaehyun scoffed. "Pink?"

"Yes. Pink."

He exhaled a prolonged, thoughtful breath before smiling down at her. "Okay, deal. But watch out, you'll never see me with pink hair."

"We'll see about that." Sebin raised the tips of her lips in a sneaky smile, sending him a short wink while she was at it.

" Sebin raised the tips of her lips in a sneaky smile, sending him a short wink while she was at it

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Boring chapter, ik, but bear with me

Also, please check this book out which I made specifically for this mafia au series!

Jes thought it would be a good idea for my viewers to get to know the female leads more :)

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Jes thought it would be a good idea for my viewers to get to know the female leads more :)

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