Part 10

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"Cheers!" The group of young men yelled out, the loud clanging of their glasses sounding not too long after

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"Cheers!" The group of young men yelled out, the loud clanging of their glasses sounding not too long after. 

Jaehyun felt the liquor tickle its way down his throat as he drank the whole shot at once. Yuta shook his head at his friend after putting down his own glass, not in the mood to drink.

The rest of the men around the pub's table were NCT under-members. They did not operate in the main building and instead worked in the smaller bases. They were called for when bigger raids or fights occurred and basically got all of the dirty work.

"Did you settle things with that girl?" Yuta asked as he sat back down in his chair. Jaehyun nodded. "Does she perhaps know anything?"

"No. She's too ignorant to notice anything." The other threw his head back as he downed yet another shot of soju.

"I feel terrible for your liver." Yuta clicked his tongue. Jaehyun just shrugged and continued drinking.

Of course, this was an unhealthy habit of his. Drinking just recently became a normal part of his life and although he wasn't proud of it, he couldn't find a different way to fill the hole in his soul. He used to be able to fill that up with the many girls he dated or just slept with, but lately that wasn't as fun.

As Jaehyun began getting drowsy, the sudden ringtone sounding irritated his ears and he groaned, looking around his pockets. Yet it wasn't his phone that sounded, it was Yuta's. He stood up and hurriedly distanced himself from the noise and picked up the call.

"Hello? ... Yes, we're out... Are you serious? Now?... Okay... Jaehyun's drunk thought... Ugh fine, I'll just get someone to take him back... See you."

Jaehyun's brows furrowed as he listened to the conversation, feeling quite lightheaded. Yuta made his way over to him.

"Hey, I'll call you a cab. You can get home, right?"

"I don't wanna go home." The younger protested. "I want to drink."

"Do you know how much Taeyong already wants to kill you?" Yuta hissed through gritted teeth, yet the other waved his hand dismissively.

"He can kiss my ass." 

Yuta sighed before walking over to one of the non-drunk men. "Hello, could you please make sure he gets home safely?"

The guy's brows furrowed. "Why? He's a fully capable adult man. Nothing will happen to him."

"An opposing gang has seen his face."

The man made an 'o' with his mouth due to the realization and then just nodded silently. Yuta sent him a small smile before hurriedly walking out of the pub.

An hour or two later, the world was spinning for Jaehyun as he swayed in his chair, immersed in his own thoughts. There was barely anyone left at the table except him and everyone was just as drunk as he was.

Of course, Jaehyun felt light-headed and stood up with a groan. He went unnoticed by the 2 men who were trying to collect their peers and slipped out of the door. The cold air hit his face and he let out a satisfied sigh as he took a deep breath. He then proceeded to stumble down the street, occasionally bumping against some innocent passerby.

Finally, he entered a dark alley, lit up by a few neon signs on the way and a flickering street light. Of course, thinking nothing of it, he continued walking down, but his drunk step was soon interrupted by a tall figure stepping in front of him.

"Look who we got here." 

Jaehyun looked up and squirmed his eyes, trying to get a better look on the person in front of him. Yet the darkness and his dizziness only let him in on one fact, which was...

"Oh, a balding man." He chuckled out, completely unaware of the many men surrounding him. The guy in front of him was immediately pissed off and he harshly grabbed Jaehyun by the collar.

"You fucking pig." He hissed, his palm moving to the young boy's neck and he squeezed.

And that's when everything went black.

"Ew, why do they air this shit on Netlifx?" Sebin chewed on her popcorn distastefully, and although the plot line of the romantic teenage company was highly unoriginal, she was still quite drawn in due to the hot main character.

Just as things finally became steamy, she flinched at the sudden banging at her door. Confused, she glanced over to the clock on the wall.

11:27 PM

"Who the hell." She muttered out, hearing more banging on the door. She paused the movie and warily got up, heading towards the small front hall. It didn't take her long to get to the door and place her ear against it, yet she couldn't hear anything from outside.

Of course, she told herself that she should by no means open that door. But her curiosity got the best of her and she grabbed the nearest weapon around: her hard purse. Her palm then lingered on the door handle before she carefully pressed it down.

What she faced on the other side was... shocking to say the least.

Sebin gasped and her weapon fell out of her hand and down to the ground. The hallway lights shined brightly, perfectly illuminating every inch of his figure. But what what surprised the girl wasn't the fact that it was Jaehyun who came to see her at such an hour, it was that his white shirt and hands were covered in blood as he stood there, head down.

She was speechless as her eyes darted all over his body.

"What the actual fuck?!" She almost yelled out, but managed to keep it ushered as she looked up and down the hallway, making sure that no one saw him like this. 

And as Jaehyun looked down at her with a small smile, he began falling.

And as Jaehyun looked down at her with a small smile, he began falling

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Jesus Jaehyun

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