Part 26

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The living room was fairly quiet, mostly everyone on their phones or watching the random Netflix movie on the huge TV

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The living room was fairly quiet, mostly everyone on their phones or watching the random Netflix movie on the huge TV. Sebin was, again, in one of Jaehyun's t-shirts and her own shorts because she was 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓯𝔂 in them and he didn't care anyways since he had so many of those. She had curled up into a small ball, looking down at her Instagram feed.

'Wow, Janet is on vacation again? I swear to god, she's fucking the boss or some- '


The sudden yell that cut off the peaceful silence was so shocking and powerful that it forced Sebin to her feet. Maybe it was the fact that the female voice said 'she' and Sebin being the only girl in the room was of course alerted.

She turned her head towards the giant door frame of the living room that led out into the hallway and she immediately spotted the small figure in it. The individual had a stern look of her face, drilling holes into the other.

Sebin shifted under her gaze awkwardly, feeling quite intimidated, but before she could look away, the other girl was already walking towards her.

As she came closer, immediate realization passed through Sebin as she scanned the girl's features and long hair.

"Oh my god, hey! We finally meet!" Haeun squealed out, a beaming smile now making it's way up to her lips. And before Sebin could answer, the younger girl threw her hands around her torso, squeezing her into a tight hug.

Sebin was slightly taken aback, yet returned the gesture warmly.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here to see you before!" Haeun exclaimed, pulling away. "My name's Lee Haeun, it's so so nice to meet you!"

"I figured." Sebin chuckled out, immediately beginning to feel comfortable. "I'm Choi Sebin."

"I know." Haeun smiled warmly. "Wanna go out and get some food? I'm starving, and also, we REALLY have to get to know each other!" She batted her eye lashes with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Sounds like a plan." Sebin smirked.

"Yay!" Haeun yelled out, grabbing her by the wrist and beginning to drag her out of the room, completely forgetting to greet her gang members. On her way to the garage, she also passed by her boyfriend who just pouted.

"Wow she barely even greeted me." Jisung muttered, his excitement now gone.

"Oh my god, you don't KNOW how excited I am !!! There will finally be another girl in the house!" Haeun continued on and on, barely breathing while doing so. 

She had drove both of them to a quite fancy café in a sky scraper nearby. They sat in very comfortable chairs beside a huge window, looking over the majestic looking city of Seoul. Sebin had somehow immediately formed a connection with Haeun, despite their age difference.

"Doesn't Naeun live in the house too?" Sebin asked confused.

"Noo, she has her own team she's a part of. Although she does drop by quite often." Haeun finally took a sip of her coffee, continuously smiling. "I'm sorry that I haven't met you sooner, it's just that the day that you arrived I had to go on an important trip."

"A trip? You work?" Sebin raised an eyebrow, quite surprised.

"Yeah." The other girl exclaimed. "You do too, right?"

"Don't even remind me." Sebin rolled her eyes with a grunt. "I will need to catch up on so much when I go back to work." 

"You have a pretty good excuse to not be there though."
"Yeah, I got involved with a gang member and because of that I almost got kidnapped and now I have to stay in a huge gang mansion for my own safety." 

"Just let the entire café know, alright." Haeun chuckled, making Sebin look around slightly flustered.

"Sorry. I'm just not used to being so secretive, you know?" She sighed.

"Yeah, I get you girl. Must be quite difficult to process. It's pretty shocking after all."

"So I'm guessing you're dating Jisung?" Sebin changed the topic swiftly, taking a sip of her own coffee.

"Yeah. It's been quite a while now actually." Haeun smiled, her eyes immediately softening at the mention of her boyfriend. 

"How long have you been together?"
"About half a year?"

"Oh wow." Sebin gawked. "You started dating at 17 and still going strong? Impressive." 

"Eyy, come on. I know you've had so many long-term relationships yourself."
"Me? Never. The world of adults is much more complicated. The longest I've lasted was almost 2 years."
"'Longest I've lasted'? That means there must be tons of guys!" 
"Wait, what, no!"

I'm sorry for the short and dry chapter but I really had no idea how to hold this convo :/

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I'm sorry for the short and dry chapter but I really had no idea how to hold this convo :/

But Sebin and Haeun are def becoming lesbians for each other, periodt. 

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