Part 3

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"Let's break up

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"Let's break up." The girl blurted out after putting her knife and fork down onto her plate. 

Although the music didn't stop, it suddenly felt extremely ushered in Sebin's ears as she watched her boyfriends expression fall into a confused frown before he slowly looked up at her.

"What?" He only managed to ask, his eyes partially widened as he stared at her from across the table.

"Injae, I want to break up." Sebin repeated with more confidence this time. Upon receiving no response, she opened her purse and shuffled through it. She soon fished out her wallet and took out all the cash she had in it, placing it on the table. "I'm sorry if it's not enough, please pay for the rest." 

Sebin then packed up and threw the strap of her purse onto her shoulder as she stood up from her seat. She began walking away, but Injae grabbed her wrist, making her halt. The girl turned her head and looked down at him, a look of pure confusion and desperation evident on his face.

"Why? Why do you want to break up?" He asked her and it made her think. Hard.

Why did she want to break up with him? Injae was pretty much everything any girl could ask for in a guy: tall, skinny, handsome, has a great personality, is loving, etc. He had it all. But somehow the thought of staying in a relationship with him suffocated the girl, especially after what had happened today.

The heartbeat, the adrenaline, the sudden euphoria... it would be something she will never forget. The thrill of it excited her, even though it was extremely dangerous. The motorcycle incident made her clear her head. She never felt such feelings with Injae during their 5 months of dating. Even when they made love.

And that's how she figured out he was just not the one.

Her conscience came back and she bit her tongue, thinking of what to tell him. Saying that he's boring will hurt his feelings.

Sebin swallowed. "It's... it's just not working out."

"What's not working out? Is it me? Is it because we don't really have time to go on dates?" The sheer desperation made the girl slightly regret, but that feeling quickly went away as she cleared her throat quietly.

"It's not because of you, trust me. You'll find someone else." She assured in a cold voice, using her other hand to remove his grip on her. Injae bit his inner cheek and looked away, unable to get a grasp of this situation.

"At least eat your food." He muttered, but Sebin heard him anyways and cringed slightly.

"I'm okay." She said in response, creating an awkward silence between them. The girl then cleared her throat again. "Goodbye now."

Her boyfriend- no, now ex boyfriend stayed silent, so Sebin just turned around and walked towards the exit. She did feel the eyes of the many other customers of the fancy restaurant, but she did not care. She felt like she could finally breathe.

'Was this a mistake?'

Sebin thought as she looked at the dark, passing paysage. Her head was resting on the chilly glass of the bus as she was too immersed in her own feelings to notice anything around her. There was nothing to take note of anyways, it was just her and a couple of other people on the bus. And best of all, it was silent.

The girl sighed, shaking off the thought and decided to find a distraction so she picked up her phone. The lock screen showed a screenshot of herself and Injae when they went to the beach as a trip 2 months ago. The memory made Sebin bite her lip as she quickly unlocked her phone and went straight to gallery. She then picked out a random picture of herself and her friends and set it as the lock screen. 

"Much better..." She whispered to herself as she stared at the new photo. Her eyes travelled to the top left of her screen and she read the time.


Suddenly a brilliant idea popped in the girl's head and she pulled up her contact list. There were barely any people on it and she quickly found the number she was looking for. As she was about to press the 'call' button her finger suddenly began hovering above it, hesitant.

'Is this really a good idea?'

She bit her tongue lightly, re-thinking her decision.

'Honestly, fuck it.'

And then she pressed the button and put the phone against her ear. It rang only for a few seconds before the person picked up.

"Yessss Sebinnie?" The girly voice asked in her usual playful tone.

"Jiah, can you do me a favor?" Sebin asked, thinking back to her request one last time.

"Favor? Yeah, sure, what is it?" 

"Let's go clubbing tonight."


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