Part 22

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Sebin awoke in the empty room once again

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Sebin awoke in the empty room once again.

She wrapped the sheets around her tighter, mumbling incoherent words. The light raindrops were tapping on the window, calming her down again but the girl knew that she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. That's why she kept her eyes shut, just relaxing before the day.

For minutes and minutes on, Sebin laid there in silence, just listening to the muffled sounds of nature. Despite the rain, there was a sole bird singing somewhere on a tree beside the window. Except that, it was complete silence.

Yeah, a bit too silent.

One of the girl's eyes creaked open, now overtaken by curiosity. For the extended period of time in which she just laid there under the sheets, she didn't hear a single sound coming from the hallway. Usually every 10 minutes she would her stomping, a door closing, speaking or laughter or any sort of life from there. But today wasn't the case. It almost seemed like she was home alone.

Her curiosity quickly overshadowed her morning drowsiness and Sebin slowly rose, the sheets falling off. As soon as her feet touched the ground, an icy shiver made it's way up her spine, but she ignored the cold and just got up.

The first thing on her to do list was to go wash her face to refresh herself, and she did just that. Afterwards, she slipped on one of Jaehyun's more comfortable hoodies and left his bedroom.

The whole house seemed to be dead as there wasn't even the slightest creak to be heard. The only thing Sebin could hear was her quiet breaths and her bare feet occasionally stomping too loud. Otherwise, there was nothing. 

Now getting even more intrigued, she walked down the giant staircase onto the first floor. She couldn't hear the usual hassle that happened each day in the living room, instead it was overtaken by an uneventful silence.

Sebin walked up to the kitchen, finding it empty as expected. Without much of a care, she walked over to make herself some toast in order to get the day started.

Because even though she was curious as to where everyone was, she was still hungry. So that came first.

As the 2 pieces of bread that she took out began toasting, the girl leaned onto the counter top and had the time to fall into thought.

'What it there was an alarm for something and I didn't hear and they just left me out to die?'
Was her initial thought, but she just hummed it away.

Various other scenarios flooded her head, some telling her that it was probably nothing and some saying that an apocalypse happened during the time she was asleep and she was mysteriously the last person on Earth.

She jumped as the sudden and loud noise of the toaster sounding through the air, announcing her food was ready.

"Right, I'll need some butter with that." Sebin muttered, pushing herself off the counter top and walking the few steps to the fridge.

As she opened it, she easily located the block of packaged butter and she grabbed it, feeling it's cold at her fingers. She then glanced over to her right to search for her favorite orange juice when a neon green post it note grabbed her attention. As anyone would, she quickly peeled it off and squirmed her eyes to actually be able to read what it said.

I knew that you would check the fridge :)

You may wake up in an empty house. That's because everyone's out on a mission. No, no one will get hurt and everyone's going to be fine. If anything, Renjun is in his weird, hacker room where he's giving us orders, so go to him although he will be a little bitch about helping you. Please don't make any huge mess or problems.

P.S. we grabbed some shit from ur trashed apartment and it's in a suitcase and a few bags

- Handsome guy

"Handsome guy my ass." Sebin muttered, slamming the post it note onto the counter top. "No, he's an fuglyass, bitchass, ass fucking troll." She hummed out.

But as she processed what the note actually said, her face lit up.

"My stuff!!!"

Forgetting about her breakfast immediately, she jumped up and in a run headed straight back upstairs. She barged into the room she had woken up in, and to her delight, she saw just what she had been promised.

She quickly began unwrapping the bags, seeing her beloved clothes and other important stuff she owned. Her blurry eyes soon found her lovely red case from which she took out her glasses. She slid them onto her nose, now seeing super clearly.

The other thing she found was her mobile phone. Sebin tried to turn it on, but to no avail. It was dead.

That's why she grabbed her charger that was also within her stuff and ran over to the nearest socket to plug it in. Within a minute, it was back on, the only problem with it being the single, huge crack horizontally lining the screen.

Sebin turned on her mobile data, the phone beginning to vibrate repetitively from the dozens of messages and other notifications she had received over the few days she had gone MIA.

Then she slowly began to replying to worried messages from her co-workers, Jiah's frantic breakdowns and her parent's calls.

Then she slowly began to replying to worried messages from her co-workers, Jiah's frantic breakdowns and her parent's calls

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Destroying boomers in the comment sections under Kaitlin Benette's videos is my new hobby

Anyways, yeah, I'm getting rly political lately

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