Part 71

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The sound of people talking, alcohol oozing, and shot glasses clashing sounded through the entire establishment

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The sound of people talking, alcohol oozing, and shot glasses clashing sounded through the entire establishment. The pub was bustling with life- it had so many people that Sebin actually had difficulty finding her target among the rows of table. But there he was- cleaned up, with a casual outfit on and a pearl smile directed right at her.

"Sorry for changing the location so suddenly, but you managed to make it in one piece I see." Chungho exclaimed as he watched her sit down on the chair opposite of him. "What would you like to have?" 

"I'm honestly in the room for some spicy ramen right now." Sebin responded as she slid her jacket and scarf off. "And soju. Lots and lots of soju."

"I like that idea." Chungho smirked, before calling over the waiter to their table and ordering them 2 bowls of spicy noodles and a bunch of bottles to start them off.

Surprisingly, the time that it took them to get back to their old pace didn't take long. After eating, and a glass of beer and a couple of shots, the two were talking normally, just as they once had.

"Dorae is modelling?! Whattt." Sebin gasped in awe, a flush of red spread across her cheeks due to the alcohol. "Wasn't she the one who always trashed all those kpop stars on TV?"

"Right? That's what I'm saying. She isn't half as pretty as them, but since her dad won the lottery she was probably able to pull some strings." Chungho explained, his speech slightly slurred. "And dirty Don is actually in Busan working as a computer expert and earning a 3-figure salary."

"Holy shit." Sebin gawked once again. "That just proves that grades in school do not matter at all. It's so unfair honestly."

"Hey, hey, you can't say that. I heard from my mom that your mother always boasts about your superb job in Seoul and that you're already able to earn a living without needing any of her money."

"It's not as great as it seems." Sebin rolled her eyes. "All the shit I had to do to get on the boss' good side- ouh, it still gives me chills." She shuddered dramatically, causing Chungho to erupt into laughter.

"How about you? What are you still doing in town? I thought you'd be long gone." She changed the topic, and he let out a small scoff.

"Right." He slid a hand through his hair sheepishly. "Actually, I started a fish-exporting business."

"You're kidding."

"Not at all." He smiled. "And it's actually doing quite well, if I must say so myself. I have restaurants and supermarkets all over the country receiving my supply."

"Woah." Sebin put down the glass of beer that she'd just been sipping on. "And you had the audacity to tell me that I'm well off. What are you, a millionaire?"

"No, at least not yet."

"Good for you." She remarked, before supporting her chin with her first that she'd placed on their table.

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