Part 75

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"Okay, so, Mr

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"Okay, so, Mr.Lim finally managed to convince Sebin's dad to move to Busan for a promotion, though it wasn't easy."

It was like a simultaneous sigh escaped everyone's lips inside of the conference room as Taeyong announced the news.

"This is no time to relax, everyone." He instantly added, causing the tension to return. "They're digging so deep for information that those pricks must really be onto us. We need to get rid of them, and fast."

"I've already got your files ready." Haeun pointed towards the multiple folders on the table in front of each member. "They're doing everything to keep their identities hidden, so we'll need all the man power possible to find them. Renjun will be leading the Dreamies in their online research, whilst the rest of the gang will be doing some manual labor under mine and Taeyong's guidance. Understood?"


With that, the meeting had concluded, yet whilst everyone was standing up to leave, Jaehyun remained in his seat as he stared at the file in his hands. Haeun was quick to notice this, also sitting back down in her chair at the top of the table.

"Something wrong, Jaehyun?" She asked, already knowing perfectly well what was wrong.

"Yeah, there is." He gritted his teeth angrily. "It's a blank fucking piece of paper."

Haeun turned towards Taeyong, the only other person to have stayed in the room other than them, and gave him a slight nod before turning back to Jaehyun.

"We decided that you shouldn't participate in this mission. This matter is way too personal for you." She proclaimed sternly, but nearly flinched when Jaehyun looked up.

"Too... personal for me?" He asked in a low, dark tone, words so filled with anger and hatred that they almost sounded demonic.

Haeun clenched her jaw, expecting what was to come.


"You think it's personal for me because it's Sebin, right? Well let me remind you that I dumped her weeks ago. There's nothing 'personal' happening right now." Jaehyun began, getting up from his seat so aggressively that it rolled back. "And not to mention, you're being the biggest fucking hypocrite ever since Sebin is your good friend, not mine. Everyone in this mansion is more fucking personal with her than I am."

"Jaehyun-" Taeyong began, but was cut off.

"Besides, this mission does concern me personally because I fucking dated her, and you're telling me that I'm not allowed to work on my own shitty situation?!" Jaehyun's voice for once began increasing in volume, and Haeun stood up as well, facing him directly.

"Lower your voice." She warned with a hiss.

"Lower my voice? Are you fucking-"

"One more curse word and you're out of NCT entirely, Jung."

Those words seemed to have stunned him, Jaehyun's mouth hanging wide open since the moment he was cut off. Haeun let out a grumbled sigh, before she sat back down.

"The reason that I didn't put you on this mission is because I knew this was going to your reaction. Your tantrum just now proved my point." She spoke lowly, with a confident tone. "And remember to always check the door before you say shit like you just did."

With a swift motion, Jaehyun had turned to look at the door, and to his shock, he saw Sebin standing in the middle of it. She was holding some sort of documents, but fuck- that wasn't what mattered right now.

Her eyes met Jaehyun's. They were cold, drowned out, emotionless. But of course they weren't, Jaehyun could tell, Sebin was probably raging and churning with emotions right now. And yet she didn't express them, and after a couple of seconds of drawn-out, intense eye contact, Sebin turned towards Taeyong.

"I got the bank documents you guys wanted." She uttered quietly and coldly, walking over and putting the thin folder on the table besides where Taeyong was standing. Just as she was about to turn around to leave, Haeun got up.

"Hey, Sebin, we didn't get the chance to talk." The younger girl said with a small smile. "You should tell me about what your hometown was like. Heard you met up with that teenage sweetheart of yours?"

Sebin couldn't have turned her head quicker, her brows narrowing in confusion. "How did you-"

"Oh, I know everything." Haeun exclaimed mischievously, before walking over and slithering her arm around Sebin's. "Let's go out for lunch! I'm craving some pasta today."

And as Haeun dragged the elder girl out, she gave one last look to the stunned Jaehyun before smirking at him and exiting the room.

And as Haeun dragged the elder girl out, she gave one last look to the stunned Jaehyun before smirking at him and exiting the room

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