Part 54

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Sebin stared down at the blank email, her head feeling just as empty

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Sebin stared down at the blank email, her head feeling just as empty. Despite her hands having hovered above the keyboard for almost 5 minutes now, she still had absolutely no idea what to write.

She had never done this before.

A nervous sweat broke out on her forehead, but Sebin light-heartedly wiped it away. She didn't have the time to hesitate- she had to do it before chickening out.

So her hands began working, typing at almost the speed of light as she barely processed what she was saying. It was a short, simple, but powerful email that she had written in under a minute.

"Fuck you." She let out a shaky breath as her finger pressed down onto the 'send' button, getting the email on its way.

Afterwards, Sebin sat there, like an idiot. Was that a mistake? Did she really want this for herself? Was it worth it?

Yes. Yes it was.

And after a few more seconds of contemplating all of her life choices, the girl stood up. Mindlessly, she grabbed the hair tie tightly holding her hair up in a ponytail and yanked it lose, letting her blissful hair free. It felt like such a relief, as if the growing burden had finally been lifted off her shoulders.

She felt liberated.

And now for the more difficult part.

Sebin fell into step, leaving the dark room and coming out into the hallway. Hendery, who was walking the opposite direction, must've noticed her extremely empowered and determined stroll. Enough so that he stopped to ask, "Hey Sebin, where ya going?"

"I just quit my job." 

Hendery's eyebrows raised almost to the roof, the surprise clear on his features. "You did what?" 

"I quit my job. Isn't that nice?" Sebin asked, turning to him with a creepily happy yet worried smile.

He blinked recessively, trying to figure out what to make of the situation. "Uh, I guess? If that's how you feel then-"

"Great! Because I'm going to get another one right now!" Sebin interrupted, not wasting much more time as she continued walking on. Hendery could just look back at her, shake his head before going on to mind his own business.

The girl almost fell down the stairs before getting to the ground floor, then proceeded to make the long walk all the way to the tall door at the end of the right hallway. She knocked lightly, not even listening in for a response before barging in.

"Come- oh you're in already." Haeun paused, seeing Sebin at the door. "Hey girlie, what's up?"

"Nothing much just..." The elder girl hesitated, closing the door behind her and slyly entangling her hands behind her back. "...wanted to see you."

"Oh really?" Haeun raised an eyebrow. "I appreciate the gesture. So by 'see', do you mean talk?"

"...yeah." Sebin pouted her lips as she fell onto the chair in front of her desk. "You know, I've thought a lot about our relationship and I think that-"

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