Part 4

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"Donghyuck can you shut the fuck up, I'm trying to concentrate

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"Donghyuck can you shut the fuck up, I'm trying to concentrate." Yuta hissed through the earpiece, interrupting the other boy's rant. 

"Oh please, it will still take a while until those drunkards leave the club. Might as well not be bored until then." Donghyuck scoffed, but remained quiet.

Jaehyun sighed as he leaned against the tall wall at the back of the building. His nose scrunched up at the distasteful smell coming from the overflowing dumpsters not too far away. He tried to create distance to try to stop himself from gagging, but at the same time staying within close range of the back door to the club.

"Doyoung, any activity from inside?" Haeun's voice came through, an unusually serious tone that she only had during missions. She was forced to stay back by Taeyong, on the excuse that she can't get injured and miss her exams. But she still insistet of watching from the video room back at the base. 

"No, nothing yet. They're still sitting at the table, drinking." Doyoung answered in an ushered tone. 127 were placed at various locations of the club, and everyone felt rather relaxed, knowing that this mission wasn't too difficult to execute. 

Jaehyun began kicking pebbles out of boredom as he looked down at the ground. Suddenly, the rusty hinges of old door the squaled, making him instantly look up in that direction.

"Who came out of the building?" Renjun's voice came through the earpiece as he had easily gained access to the CCTV cameras before the mission. Jaehyun squinted his eyes, scanning the figure carefully.

"Some girl, seems harmless. Extremely drunk." He commented quietly, watching as she stumbled down the alleyway towards the dumpsters. The way she almost fell every step she took showed how truly intoxicated she was, making the boy click his tongue and shake his head in her direction.

Jaehyun then heard her gag, a noise that he heard quite well over the muffled electro music coming from the insides of the club. He then watched as she hunched over the wall struggled taking a breath a few times before she threw up.

"UUufff..." The boy exhaled distastefully, watching as she took a deep breath before going for a round two which made her hunch over even further. The girl then began violently coughing, attempting to get up straight again.


Jaehyun thought, his face scrunched up because of the disgusting scene he just witnessed. She then continued her stumble past the dumpsters and down the dark, creepy alley. Bored again, he was about to take his eyes off of her when he noticed a different figure coming into sight.

"Hey, pretty girl, what are you doing here?" The smug voice made Jaehyun cringe and he slightly tensed, seeing the drunk woman get surrounded by a few thugs who sat in the shadows until now. Jaehyun was actually aware of their presence from before as he had heard them yell out and laugh loudly. He didn't know there were this many though.

"Who are you?" He heard the girl stagger, looking around at the many guys who had cornered her.

"Oh, we're just some nice guys interested in a nice time." The same guy from before exclaimed, grabbing a strand of her hair and playing with it.

"Why don't you come back, with us? I swear it will feel nice." Another one exclaimed, grabbing the girl by the hips and pulled her in closer.

"No, I need to get home." She slurred in protest, attempting to push him off of her but to no avail.

"Your place then." A 3rd guy called out playfully, making the rest of his friends laugh soundly.

The touching then got more intense, as they were grabbing more of her private parts, making the girl shift uncomfortably.

"Let me go!" In her drunk state she called out, harshly pushing away a guy who was attempting to touch her breast. He did not like her resistance, but was held back by one of is friends.

"Come on girlie, don't be so difficult. We're just looking for a little fun." The 1st guy assured her, but the girl continued attempting to protest, but her words and actions were small due to her intoxication.

Jaehyun exhaled deeply, knowing that it was only right to help her. The people he was waiting on were probably not going to leave the club any time soon, especially through the shabby back door. That's what made him begin walking with slow steps.

"Huh, Jaehyun, why did you leave your position? Where are you going?" Renjun suddenly called out through the earpiece, but the elder boy ignored it, eyes fixed on the ordeal in front of him.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Taeyong's angry voice also came through, making Jaehyun sigh in annoyance.

"I swear if you take one more step, I'll kill-" Haeun was cut off as the boy ripped the earpiece out of his ear and harshly shoved it in his pocket. It was then when he approached the men, getting noticed by a few of them.

"Hello gentlemen." He greeted in a sarcastically polite tone before looking down towards the girl partially hidden by one of their bodies. "As far as the law goes, when she says she doesn't want to go with you, it means you should stop bothering her." He explained with a smile, scanning over all of their ugly ass faces.

"Mind your own business." One of them spat out. "And we're not forcing her or anything. She's our friend, she gets like this when she's drunk." He then smiled smugly and threw his arm over her shoulder. Jaehyun raised an eyebrow in disbelief, watching as the girl's face showed pure confusion and disgust.

"I said get off!" She poked him hard in the side, making him yelp surprised and step back.

"You bit-"

"Sorry about this." Jaehyun interrupted him and as they all turned to him slowly, he threw a punch to the closest guy.

Alerted and angry, they all threw themselves at him at once but it wasn't difficult for Jaehyun to beat them all into a pulp in a span of minutes. Bruised and bleeding, soon they all began running away whilst groaning and whimpering, leaving the boy with a dismayed, drunk girl. She was staring with him with small, almost closed eyes and then she suddenly gave in and began falling.

Jaehyun lunged forward, throwing one arm around her waist and gripping onto her forearm with the other, catching her. Panting, he stared down at her puffy face, her cheeks rosy due to the amount of alcohol she drank. Suddenly her eyes opened wide, creating eye contact.

"Y-you..." She stuttered, her eyes beginning to shut again and she struggled to keep them open as she looked up in dismay.

"You're pretty handsome."

Wow this was a pretty long chapter-

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Wow this was a pretty long chapter-

But Jaehyun gon get his ass whooped :o

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