Part 8

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"This is seriously unbelievable

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"This is seriously unbelievable." Yuta scoffed, eyeing the 2.

Sebin was wrapped up in a towel, looking like an abandoned puppy as she continuously shivered. Jaehyun, who sat across from her, was wet and not too happy. He kept reaching for his lower back, feeling the bruise that was already forming there.


"Oh my god-" Sebin breathed out. Although she was extremely flustered by everything, she did what was right and immediately pushed herself off of him. As she began getting herself up, the loud footsteps sounded from behind her and another figure emerged from around the corner.

"I swear to god, you fucking bitch-" Kyungchul paused, seeing the scene in front of him. He had also stopper running, now frozen in place. 

"Dude, are you okay?" The other guy, who Sebin just noticed, extended his hand towards the one on the ground. He easily pulled him up as the other groaned out.

"Can't you watch where you're fucking g-" He was at the verge of ranting but became speechless, seeing the familiar girl standing right in front of him. She was equally shocked as they made prolonged eye contact.

Which was broken by Kyungchul.

"I'm sorry about my girlfriend, she's very clumsy." He put on a nice act again as he grabbed her wrist. "Come on, let's go home, it's pouring." 

As Sebin attempted to process what was happening, Kyungchul began dragging her away. And although her entire body felt like it was on fire from the pain, she placed her feet firmly on the floor, making it more difficult for him. The girl then looked backwards towards the 2 guys with pleading eyes who then looked at each other.

The immediate realization of the situation hit them both as they watched him tug on her harsher, an arm slithering around her waist. The way that she tried to wiggle out of his grasp and the way she kept turning her head explained anything.

Jaehyun was the first to spring into action as he ran up to them and before the guy could realize, he grabbed the girl by her other wrist and tugged her towards him. She flew out of the guy's arms and into the others.

"Hey, let go of my girlfriend!" The guy yelled out angrily and he stomped forward. Jaehyun pushed the girl behind him.

"Do you know him?" The boy turned around and caught a glimpse of her face.

"He'll hurt me..." Her breathy whisper was quiet, but Jaehyun heard it clearly despite the pouring rain. The guy who was catching onto what she was doing, lunged himself forward. But he was stopped as Yuta ran up to them and punched him square in the face.

The guy plummeted down with a loud groan, hands covering his face. Yuta spat at him, beginning to massage his own wrist. "What a shitass."


And that was how the 2 guys ended up helping Sebin. She still did not come their names, but did not care too much as she for some reason trusted them way more.

They had gone into the first café that came in sight, the only person inside being the barista because of the pouring rain. The woman had given them a weird look, but offered a towel to Sebin, who was really grateful.

Suddenly a phone rang and the girl reached for her pocket, then realizing that she had left everything back at home, including her shoes. The owner of the ringing device was Handsome guy's friend, who was also good looking but quite scary. He took out his phone and didn't take long to excuse himself and then walked away to the other side of the café.

Now Sebin was left with the guy, and she was filled with embarrassment when she remembered the events that happened the night prior. 

Jaehyun also did not know what to do or say as he watched her small, trembling body. His attention was immediately attracted to her feet, which were only covered by damp socks. She immediately noticed this and curled herself further, sending him a small smile.

"We should start from the basics, no?" Her voice was ushered and shaky, but understandable enough. "My name's Sebin." 

"Jaehyun." He replied shortly.

"I guess this is our 2nd time meeting, Mr.Handsome." Sebin chuckled lowly. "If there's a third time, it's destiny."

The tips of Jaehyun's lips curved upwards. "Actually, this is our third collision."

The girl's eyebrows furrowed and she tilted her head to the side. "Really?"

Jaehyun nodded. "Yeah. I'm also the person on the motorbike who almost killed you recently."

Sebin's mouth formed an 'o' at the newly acquired information. She immediately felt embarrassed by the amount of times this complete stranger has saved her in the span of just a few days.

"I guess this is destiny indeed." He smirked, beginning to relax in his chair. At that moment, the barista brought the 3 coffees that they had previously ordered and the 2 thanked her profusely.

They each took a sip, the liquid immediately warming up their cold bodies. Sebin let out a relieved sigh as she put down her cup, immediately feeling better.

"Thank you for... everything I guess. There's so many things you did for me although we don't even know each other." She smiled warmly towards him.

Jaehyun just nodded slightly as he put down his own cup onto the wooden table.

"Oh, by the way, why didn't you leave any of your information at the hotel? I need to pay you back for the fees." Sebin remember, leaning forward while staring at him carefully. Jaehyun staggered for a while, his mouth opening and closing as if he was a fish.

"Uh, no, it's alright-"

"It isn't! It was my fault I got drunk and it would be unfair for you to pay." She insisted, her voice becoming authoritative. 

"No, seriously it's-"

"Just let her pay for fucks sake, I'm not going to listen to you bickering like an old couple." Yuta, who just came back, rolled his eyes.

These gifs do me making me feel something :o

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These gifs do me making me feel something :o

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