Part 61

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"What the fuck happened while I was gone?" Jaehyun demanded as soon as he stormed into the office

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"What the fuck happened while I was gone?" Jaehyun demanded as soon as he stormed into the office.

Haeun glanced up, pulsing her lips together before shutting open the book that she was reading. As Jaehyun stomped his way up to her desk, she managed to put it away and clear up everything.

"I better get a fucking explanation right about now." He growled, clearly feeling very angry.

The girl let out a harsh sigh. "First of all, calm down. I don't appreciate you talking to me like that. Sit down."

"This isn't a matter of how I talk to you Haeun, Sebin was literally-"
"Sit. Down."

Begrudgingly Jaehyun fell into the chair right in front of the gang leader's desk, an annoyed scoff escaped his lips.

"Fine, I'm calm. Mind explaining now?"

Haeun sat back in her chair. She clearly had a lot on her mind at that very moment, but was trying to remain calm.

"I only found out yesterday as well. You know that if it were my supervision, I'd never let something like this happen."

"But the problem is that it happened." Jaehyun hissed. "What kind of a leader are you to just let your subordinates run wild and teach innocent people how to fucking shoot guns? It's not because Jisung is your boyfriend, is it?"

"Jaehyun." Haeun exclaimed strictly, clearly unhappy with the way he was speaking to her. "I'm sorry that this happened, but it was out of my control. You may be shocked, but I'm busy and I have responsibilities too. I can't just run around the mansion, following everyone and making sure that they're strictly following the rules."

Jaehyun took a deep, exasperated breath but let her continue.

"I've already scolded Jisung, don't worry about it. I've given him a warning, and he'll be on probation just like you were some time ago." Haeun stared him down. "And I don't give a shit whether he's my boyfriend or not. I don't give special treatment."

The two held intense eye contact, and Jaehyun struggled to maintain his stance under his leader's strict gaze.

Finally, Haeun proceeded with her speech. "But what's done is done. That's why I called you in. It won't be long until we've completely gotten rid of any opposition that may be using Sebin as an advantage. Renjun is working on erasing her identity off the dark web as well. She'll be back home to safety soon."

"So, your task will be to do your best to keep her away from anything related to NCT, or any other gang matters. I've already informed the others, and they'll be on higher alert as well, and will make sure that she's monitored whenever she's staying at the mansion. But you're the key to all of this, Jaehyun. Because she's most likely to listen to your input over any other. So in summary, your task will be to try to distance Sebin from the gang life as much as possible until we can finally let her go home."

The spark of anger within Jaehyun finally seemed to have died down, and he settled back in his seat. The feeling was replaced with wonder, hesitation and pointless thoughts that always led him to a dead end.

Jaehyun reached up, loosening the tie that he had put on for their dinner date, letting the cold air gush in underneath his shirt.

"That's not as simple as it sounds, you know." He muttered, a small but unhappy smirk on his lips. "Sebin's... different."

Haeun seemed to have paused, but soon enough she pulsed her lips together, making Jaehyun continue.

"I don't know exactly what changed." He speculated aloud. "But there's something strange about her now. Sebin's no longer scared of what I do. On the opposite, she's intrigued by it. She says that it's because she wants to feel closer to me by getting to know my work, but I doubt that's true. Every time I hear her talking about firing a gun, or observing us pre-mission, she seems so... excited." 

The gang leader sighed. "Unfortunately, I've noticed that too. And that's why I want you to keep her away from this. She clearly isn't just interested in sorting papers or whatever shit Doyoung did, I think she genuinely wants to join NCT.

The two stayed in silence, letting that statement slowly sink in.

Jaehyun closed his eyes, a frustrated sigh leaving his parted lips.

"No. I won't let that happen." He breathed out. "The training for this is not something that she'll be able to endure."

Haeun grimaced, her eyes following him with the slightest hint of pity in them.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure to complete this task. I've never failed you." Jaehyun seemed to have collected himself, shuffling in his chair in a signal showing that he's ready to leave.

"Yeah. Hopefully everything will be done soon. Sebin's quite irresistible, I tell you." Haeun sent him a little smile.

"What do you mean?"
"Well, her resume's almost perfect for the job. I wouldn't be able to find better hiring anywhere, except Doyoung himself of course. So please keep her away so I don't get any ideas."

"Don't you dare." Jaehyun growled out.

"I won't, I won't, I assure you. But I really hope you find an answer to this. I also love Sebin dearly, and I don't want anything bad to happen to her." Haeun leaned back in her chair.

Jaehyun simply nodded, and turned around, ready to leave.

He already had an answer. Even if it hurt like hell. 


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