Part 52

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To the ppl that thought that I would write smut: 🤡. Like Jesus, I'm 15 and so is half of my audience lol
Although it is insinuated that they did have sex so yeah

 Like Jesus, I'm 15 and so is half of my audience lolAlthough it is insinuated that they did have sex so yeah

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Sebin breathed out a calm breath, the warmth that surrounded her lulling her back into dreamland. But because of the golden rays of sunshine burning into her back, she was slowly waking up.

Upon opening a single eye, the first thing she saw was bare skin. It was calmly rising and falling, and she could feel the mumbled breaths ricocheting against the top of her head. She could faintly hear the peaceful sound of a heartbeat because of how close she was to him. It only oozed her further into the calm, relaxing atmosphere.

Not wanting to get up, Sebin nuzzled herself closer to his warm body, resting her cheek against his bare chest to try to fall back asleep.

Her movements must've triggered Jaehyun as he let out a low hum, hand gently making its way up her back and resting at the back of her head. His hand went through her lose hair, the same one that he had pulled a couple of times the night before.

Eyes slowly opening, he looked down. "Good morning babe."

His deep, gruff and husky tone sent a shiver down Sebin's spine, sounding like a pleasant melody to her ears. She took a deep breath before looking up, eyes staring into his half-open ones.

"Good morning." Sebin hummed in an equally tired voice.

Jaehyun just smiled down at her, then pulled her up right back to his chest.

"Since you don't wanna get back up either, let's just go back to sleep." He muttered into her hair, closing his eyes again.

Sebin let out a low chuckle, humming in agreement.

10 minutes passed, but the more she laid there without moving, the more eager she felt to get up.

A determined sigh falling from her lips, Sebin pushed herself away from Jaehyun, who let out a reluctant and confused groan.

"I need to use the bathroom." She informed him with a whisper as she crawled towards the edge of the bed and got up, stretching out her stiff limbs.

She looked around the hotel room, frowning at the huge window that they hadn't bothered to close the blinds of. But it was alright since they were on one of the top floors of the fancy hotel.

Except that, the space was pretty big. It fit a large king-sized bed, the basic desk and chair, a couch and huge plasma TV, an entrance to a fancy wardrobe and one to an even more luxurious bathroom. Everything was super neat as well as modern and cozy at the same time.

As Sebin began walking, her legs shook so hard that she had to desperately resist the urge to hold herself up against the wall. Jaehyun was watching her from the bed, an amused smirk appearing on his face as he noticed her struggle.

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