Part 80

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Extending bc I wanna end on an even number

Extending bc I wanna end on an even number

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Several years later

The bright light of the sun shone through the half-exposed windows, illuminating the bedroom that lied within. It wasn't huge, but rather it seemed cozy, the double-bed occupying most of the space, along with a large dresser and two doors leading to the hallway and to the bathroom. In the bed were two lumps, huddled closely together, their quiet snores filling up the mostly silent space.

Suddenly, there was thumping heard outside that seemed to get progressively closer, and suddenly, the door to the room flung open.

"Mom! Dad! Wake upp!" The adorable squeaky voice sounded through the room, instantly causing its 2 occupants to shuffle in their sleep.

Seeing that the scream had no effect, the young girl proceeded to climb into the bed and onto her parents' bodies. "Wake.Up.!" She exclaimed once again, shaking her mother awake.

"Noo, Sehyun." Sebin mumbled, not even opening her eyes. "Mommy and daddy had to work late yesterday. Let us sleep." Her words were barely coherent, but even if the little girl had understood, she ignored it.

"Daddy! You promised McDonald's for breakfast today! You have to keep your promise!" Sehyun proceeded to jump onto her father, and Jaehyun let out a loud huff.

"When did I do that?" He questioned in his sleepy state, actually bothering to try to open his eyes.

"Yesterday, when you picked me up from kindergarten!" Sehyun demanded angrily. "You said we'd go first thing in the morning!"

Jaehyun let his head fall back, and he thought of the previous day. Although most of what he remembered was how he beat up a couple of opposition gang members, he did faintly reminisce on how he'd promised to reward his daughter for her excellent test score.

He grumbled. "Fine, fine, just let me get some time to wake up, okay? 5 minutes"

"Are you going to get up in 5 minutes, or are you lying?"

"I'm not lying, promise." Jaehyun breathed out, almost as if beggingly, and upon a short inspection from Sehyun, she beamed.

"Okay, see you in 5 minutes!"

Then she proceeded to get off the bed and run out, of course leaving the door open.

Jaehyun groaned as he turned toward his wife, pressing his body against hers. Sebin groaned loudly.

"Stop it, you're pressing on my belly." She exclaimed, shuffling away from him.

"It's not my fault our future son is so fat." He replied with a grunt. "Turn around."

Despite her quiet protests, Sebin decided to comply, and once turned Jaehyun pressed himself against her back, wrapping his arms around her.

"Haeun's forbidding you from missions from today on, right?" He whispered in her ear.

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