Part 5

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"Jung Jaehyun

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"Jung Jaehyun." The cold voice resonated through the room, making even the other members flinch at the pure rage laced in it. "Do you know what trouble YOU would've caused if Taeyong hadn't been there?"

Jaehyun fought the urge to roll his eyes, but instead kept them focused on the tips of his sneakers. Haeun was right though, he had messed up.


The girl closed her eyes again, fully leaning into Jaehyun's grip. He had no idea what to do as he watched her sleeping face.

Just then the old back door was thrown open and a small, chubby man ran out, his suit a complete mess. He took one look towards the gang member and dashed the opposite direction. Flustered, Jaehyun did not know what to do, therefore laid the girl down onto the cold ground, trying his best not to hurt her, and then sprinted after the man. But it was already too late as he was really close to reaching the extremely populated front of the club.

As Jaehyun was losing hope, pushing himself past his limits, a figure that had been hiding in the shadows threw a single punch which made the man fall with a groan. The well-thought-of attack in a specific spot close to the man's neck had him immediately fall unconscious.

Jaehyun was panting as he halted and looked up to see a grim-looking Taeyong. And just from the 2nd-in-command's stare, he knew he was fucked.


"What do you have to say for yourself?" Haeun said through gritted teeth, her hard glare unwavering as he stared the boy down. Jaehyun poked his tongue into his cheek, exhaling sharply. He did not want to seem like he was making excuses for his recklessness, but at least had to say something in his own defense.

"The girl was going to get raped."

The room silenced, surprised by the bold claim. Haeun paused and the members watched as she hesitated. 

The topic was really close to heart for the girl and she could not argue against Jaehyun's actions any longer. He had messed up, yes, but whilst doing that he probably saved someone from living their life in misery. 

The tension in the space could be cut with a knife whilst everyone stared at Haeun cautiously. The young leader sighed.

"Pack your bags."

The shock passed through the room and Jaehyun's head snapped up.

"What?" He was terrified. No, this couldn't be happening. He couldn't get kicked out of NCT, he just couldn't.

The young leader sent him a gloomy look. "You'll be going to one of the smaller bases with Yuta for the questioning. You'll also have to do some lesser duties to repel on your actions." 

Jaehyun exhaled shakily. Although this wasn't the ideal outcome, he was just happy that he was allowed to stay with his team. 

"Thank you boss." He bowed low, a grateful smile coming up to his face. Haeun blinked a couple of times before shaking her head.

"You're all dismissed. Jaehyun is paying for takeout today." 

There were happy yells coming from around the room while said boy snapped up yet again. The young leader gave him a playful grin, leaving him speechless. He then watched as she walked out along with the rest of the members.

"Were you serious?" Yuta asked, putting down the brand new sniper gun that had come in this morning. He was sitting on his chair, his long legs crossed on top of his surprisingly clean desk. The only light illuminating the dark room was the standing lamp that was positioned behind him.

Jaehyun who sat at a chair in front of him nodded.

"Woah, I thought you were lying." Yuta confessed with raised eyebrows. The other boy sent him a glare.

"Who would lie about that?"

"I don't know, you?" The Japanese boy frowned, going back to examining the weapon in his hand.

Jaehyun was of course anxious. Yuta was highly unpredictable as soon as he had a deadly machine in hands reach. You wouldn't like to get on his bad side when he's holding such gun, that's why Jaehyun decided not to fight back. 

"And also, you shouldn't have worried in the first place. Haeun wouldn't have kicked you out anyways." Yuta shrugged, finally putting down the weapon.

"Kind of seemed like it." Jaehyun answered, immersed in thought.

"But anyways, we'll be leaving to the other base tomorrow. Get your shit ready because I won't be waiting for you. And I'm a pretty busy person." The other exclaimed, beginning to skim through some papers.

"Are you telling me to get lost?" 


Jaehyun rolled his eyes but got up and walked out of the storage room

Jaehyun rolled his eyes but got up and walked out of the storage room

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