Part 14

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"Are you really going to keep your mouth shut?" Jaehyun growled out, his palms clenching into fists as he stared down at the man mercilessly

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"Are you really going to keep your mouth shut?" Jaehyun growled out, his palms clenching into fists as he stared down at the man mercilessly. He looked right past his bloody clothing and mutilated face and was only here to find answers in order to get this shitty job over with.

Yet the stubborn man didn't give in. "I will never be a traitor." He choked out, his own, red blood sticking to his yellow teeth. Unable to control his overflowing anger anymore, Jaehyun used his clenched fist to smash it into the guy's already broken nose. The chair fell back and soon the yells were already over as he was out cold.

"You really suck at questioning." Yuta, who had been quiet until now, snorted out. Jaehyun did not even turn to him as he rolled his wrist which was hurting from the strong punch.

"Shut up, I'm not in the mood." 

"You weren't in the mood ever since that night. You seriously won't say what happened except the fact that you were attacked?" Yuta leaned against the wall with a disappointed sigh. 

"I told you, I went to a ho-" 

"No you didn't. You should be glad that I managed to convince Renjun to not tell Taeyong where you've been after that kid tracked your location. You were at that girl's apartment. All night long." Yuta raised an eyebrow, eyeing his friend carefully. 

Jaehyun sighed frustrated, avoiding the other's gaze.

"I thought you only have one night stands? It's unusual for you to have sex with someone you already knew. Are you planning on dating her?" He continued questioning.

"No, it's not like that." Jaehyun muttered out, beginning to feel overpowered by Yuta's burning presence and the lead he had on him.

Suddenly the other's face fell into a dim expression. "Don't tell me you..." 

"I what?" 

"Did you go to her after the fight? All bloodied up? She's the one who patched up the cut on your side?" Yuta pushed off the wall, beginning to get increasingly suspicious of his partner in crime.

Jaehyun sighed, knowing that the other already knew. "Yeah. But I managed to lie to her-"

"It's not about you, dickhead!" Yuta began raising his voice. "Do you realize the danger she might be in if someone had followed you or figured out where you were?" 

Jaehyun blinked a couple of times, the extend of his dumb actions finally weighing down on him. But of course, like usual, he was in complete denial as he looked up towards the other.

"I don't think so. From what I remember, I beat them all up quite well. They were all unconscious." He explained himself.

"How would you know, you drunk?" Yuta hissed. "We should tell Taeyong about this and you know that."

"Yuta, please." Jaehyun walked up to him with pleading eyes. "Do you know what might happen to me if he finds out about this?"

Yuta eyed him carefully from head to toe, his eyes unwavering.

"But that's the right thing to do."

"Do you want me to get kicked out that much?" Jaehyun continued speaking desperately.

Yuta was silent for a couple of seconds, watching the other carefully before sighing in resignation.

"I still think it's wrong. But you need to tell Haeun and Taeyong about this when the situation relaxes a bit."

"Thank you so much, I knew I could count on you." Jaehyun couldn't help but throw himself onto the other and wrap his hands around him in a hug.

"Don't touch me disgusting rat!" Yuta yelled down, pushing him away with a look of pure disgust on his face. "You made me all bloody!"

Jaehyun looked down at his friends now red t-shirt and chuckled. "Oops." He shrugged innocently with a childish grin.

"Oops? I'll show you oops." Yuta growled before lunging at his friend. He on the other hand ran the other way.

Jaehyun turned and sighed, now facing the plain white wall yet again. He honestly couldn't even make out the color of it, the darkness feeling like a veil over his tired eyes.

The anxious feeling poking his stomach refused to let him fall asleep. It was quite unusual as Jaehyun was the type to lay his head onto a soft pillow and immediately pass out.

Yet his conscience meddled with his thoughts and he felt like he had hundreds of tiny knots in his head, like the annoying ones that happen to your shoe laces which you cannot untie. Yeah, that was quite accurate.

And why did he feel this way?

Choi Sebin.

Yuta's words had really gotten to him. The fact that he may have put her in danger made him feel quite uneasy. Sure, he was often a douchebag, but had a general sense of responsibility and pity for other people. Especially innocent ones.

"I will go check on her tomorrow." Jaehyun muttered to himself as he closed his eyes in a desperate attempt to fall asleep.

"Shit." Jaehyun whispered, his breath coming out as vapor. The light jacket he had thrown on did not warm him up at all, causing him to practically jog up to the building in order to not die from the cold of the night.

The boy walked in through the main entrance of the apartment building, and easily found his way around to the 3rd floor. Her door was at the far end of the hallway, and with each step he took, Jaehyun felt like something was even more wrong.

And all of his suspicions were proven as he saw that the door slightly open, just enough to keep it from automatically shutting and locking.

Immediately in panic mode, Jaehyun pushed it open fully revealing the messy apartment. Yet it wasn't harmonious, it was the signs of resistance that the girl had put up.

"Fucking hell." The boy muttered, walking in further. The lights were still on and a bright color on the wooden table he had previously eaten at caught his eye.

Jaehyun hurriedly walked over to it and unstuck the neon-green sticky note from the wooden surface.

Hello, Jung Jaehyun

As we said before, we will not be going easy on you or anyone in NCT. Don't take it as a grudge against you, it's just unfortunate that you and your love life were the easiest to figure out.

The golden snakes

Sincerely,The golden snakes

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They took Sebin😱😭

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