Part 63

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Originally I didn't want them to fuck but the people have spoken so 🤷

The room was overtaken by a calm silence, veiled by the darkness of the black night outside

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The room was overtaken by a calm silence, veiled by the darkness of the black night outside. Beside the large gray couch scattered articles of clothing, clearly having been torn off in a hurry. And on top of the furniture itself laid two figures, both sweaty and plastered together.

Despite being awake, none of them uttered a single world as they simply enjoyed each other's company. The blanket that they were sharing shielded them from the cold, engulfing them in a pleasant warmth. Sebin was laying on the edge, her back against Jaehyun's bare chest as he had his hands around her.

It was nice. It was so nice.

Sebin finally felt complete. For the first time ever since she was thrown into the world of adulthood, her heart was full again. Even simply being beside him, in his embrace, made her feel safe and all warm on the inside. She'd grown so accustomed to having Jaehyun around, that if they were to part, she'd have no idea what to do.

But that wouldn't happen. Because their relationship was absolutely perfect, and Sebin only cuddle herself into him further, a small smile on her face.

Jaehyun on the other hand had his mind full of thoughts and hesitations. He could barely focus on the girl in front of him, his mind having wandered off somewhere else. It felt agonizing that he was even thinking of that, even more so that it wasn't something that he could discuss with her.

In reaction to his nerves, his arms clenched around Sebin even tighter.

"Jae?" Her quiet words broke the everlasting silence, and Jaehyun hummed in response. "You know you can tell me anything."

"Of course." He whispered into her ear.

"You don't seem to be doing that though." She muttered with a frown on her face. "I still feel like something's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong, don't worry about it. I've just been very busy with work." Jaehyun sighed, pulling her closer. "I'm sorry for not replying to your messages."

"Even if you're busy, please try and text me back. I had no idea if you're dead or alive, and the thought of you being gone terrified me." Sebin confessed.

Jaehyun was left stunned, his mouth unable any coherent response at the statement.

"I'll let it go this time. I love you, Jae."
"I love you too." He mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head.

The silence then resurfaced, just as calming and comfortable as the last. Jaehyun listened in as Sebin's breaths become deeper and more rhythmic, showcasing that she was slowly falling asleep.

He caressed her figure with his hand, brushing his thumb on her arm.


"I'm going out with some old friends tomorrow. Do you wanna come along?" He asked, the nerves and hesitant very obvious in his voice.

But Sebin seemed to be too tired to notice as she slurred out a short answer. "Sure, I'd love to."

"Great. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll love them. They're all amazing people." Jaehyun assured quietly, but upon getting no response, he realized that Sebin had already fallen asleep.

" Jaehyun assured quietly, but upon getting no response, he realized that Sebin had already fallen asleep

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this felt like a filler chapter but oh well

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