So, You Got COVID

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So, You Got Covid

You guys really did try to take all the precautions you could. Everybody in the tower wore masks everyday until each person had been double tested to ensure no one had COVID-19. If anyone needed to leave the compound for any reason, they wore a mask and gloves, didn't get near another person if they could help it, and when they got back had FRIDAY scan them for anything that may have been passed to them. Some teammates even went as far as quarantining themselves for a week after they went out, just to be safe.

Even though he didn't have to, your fiancé Steve wore masks, gloves, and social distanced. Steve pretty much elected himself to be the main 'going-out' person because of the fact he wouldn't get sick from the virus; he may not be able to get it and show the symptoms for it, but Steve could very well be a carrier for the virus, and he wanted to keep everyone safe.

Especially his lovely fiancée, who had a pretty shitty immune system around the fall due to seasonal allergies and that fun stuff. You assured him multiple times that you were fine since the two of you spent so much time together, but he still wanted to keep you safe. It warmed your heart to see him care about you. He loved you, and wanted to make sure you didn't get sick because of him.

"Hey Steve, come here!" you called from the couch in the living room. Your legs were slung over the arm, your back flat on the cushions, and you were dangling spaghetti noodles into your mouth.

The man in question came through the doorway and stopped when he saw how ridiculous you looked on the couch. "Yes, my lovely slob?" he asked, smiling sweetly, knowing you wouldn't be mad at the nickname.

You turned your head and gave him a small glare. "Rude, but anyway." You put the noodle in your mouth and sat up into a normal couch-sitting position. "I need to go out to the store today, but really don't wanna go alone."

Steve sighed and looked at the ground. Another thing that should be mentioned: Tony made a rule that only one person was aloud to leave at a time, unless an emergency occurred. It was to ensure that in case of an emergency, only one person might be in quarantine at a time. Even with COVID going around, crime still happened and people still needed protecting.

"You know Tony's rule. He wouldn't let us both out at once." You let out an exasperated noise and let your head fall back onto the back of the couch. Lifting it a second later, you directed some puppy-eyes to Steve in hopes that he'd cave. Instead, he crossed his arms and shook his head. "Those would usually work on me, but when your health and safety are at risk, they do not."

You crossed your own arms in protest, put on a grumpy face, and let out a "hmph". Steve smiled and laughed at you, leaving his spot on the doorway and walked over to you. He leaned down and gave you a small kiss on your forehead. You looked up at him, still trying to keep the grumpy face on, and said, "You're mean."

He laughed. "It's called love."

"Gross!" The two of you looked over to the kitchen to see Sam and Bucky standing there, making hilariously fake disgusted faces. You couldn't help but laugh at them. The two of them, even if they didn't get along with each other all that much, were you and Steve's best friends. You had a small hunch that they did in fact like, or at least tolerate, each other but wanted to keep it up from appearances sake. Steve thought that was ridiculous. Clearly he was blind.

Standing from the couch you stepped around Steve and grabbed your (empty) bowl to put it in the dishwasher. "You two are just jealous you're lonely," you commented back with a laugh. Instead of admitting to the truth (or what you considered the truth) they just waved you away and made "psh" noises. They thought you were wrong, but you weren't; you're smart enough to see the little things.

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