For Adwitiya

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For Adwitiya

Requested by imnotrevealingmyname and I am so sorry it's so late! But, I hope you like it :)

The girl sat up slightly from the bed she was in, unsure of where she was or what had brought her there. The last thing she could remember was being in the middle of a battle. Trying to remember any more than that caused her to get a massive headache, so she stopped trying. In fact, trying to think of anything caused her a great deal of pain and confusion.

Looking around her, she saw there was a small table next to the bed she was in that had a glass of water, a small plate of what looked like fruit and crackers, and a piece of paper. On her wrist, she saw a very simple, silver bracelet.

After eating all the food and chugging the water and ignoring the jewelry, she turned to look at the paper. She picked it up and realized it was folded, so Adwitiya unfolded it quickly to read what was inside.

"Dearest Adwitiya,

If you're reading this, I am afraid that means nothing good for me. Ask Thor the first chance you get and everything will be explained.

With love."

She stared at the note, confused on who could have written this and who Thor was. She couldn't remember anything except for a glimpse of the battle and what has happened since she's woken up. Nothing made sense.

A door she hadn't even noticed opened and in came a very large man with long blond hair and a beard. He was wearing some armor type clothes and carrying a large hammer. When he looked at her and noticed she was awake, he suddenly looked very excited and hurried over to the bedside without closing the door.

"Adwitiya! Y-you're awake! How are you feeling?" His rambling took her very off guard, deciding he was too excited to be a doctor of any sort. That and his outfit choice.

She couldn't bring herself to the same level of excitement and just nodded and cleared her throat. "I'm fine. I just woke up, so nothing has happened yet," she said, remaining polite. There was something on this man's face that looked like a mix between disappointment and confusion.

He looked down at her hand and saw the piece of paper in her hand. "Ah, so I see you have read Loki's note. We apologize for it being so vague, but nothing was certain when he wrote it and you deserved any explanation we could give you-"

Adwitiya shook her head and interrupted the man. "Wait, I'm sorry, but I don't know who you or this 'Loki' person are," she confessed. The man stopped and stared for a moment.

The room was silent for a while, as the two stared at each other, the man looking at her with fear and Adwitiya looking at the man with confusion. "No, no this is not good," he whispered, and then he ran back out of the room.

She sat there in the bed, and looked out the door. That was not what she expected to see when first waking up. Hopefully now an actually doctor would come in. It was just dawning on her that something was wrong... it was like she remembered nothing at all. Adwitiya read over the note a couple more times to try and see if she could remember anything- anything would do.

As she sat and thought, while ignoring the ache in her head, she completely missed when someone else walked into the room until they cleared her throat. When they did, she gasped and her head shot up to see who was there. There were two men, the one from before and a much smaller man with darker hair, glasses, and a lab coat that made him seem like he was a doctor.

He came over to her side and opened the drawer to the side table. She watched as he pulled out a clipboard and pen. As soon as both were in his hands, he started writing things down and asking questions. When she looked a bit closer, Adwitiya saw some weird stuff on his glasses. It looked like words and numbers but she could hardly read it since it was backwards for her.

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