Twins (Strange)

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As the twin sister of Doctor Stephen Strange, it was hard in your family. For a long time, your parents compared the two of you and made it harder for you when you said you were into arts and stuff, not medicine or math or anything like that. Instead that all gave you anxiety. Art gave you peace. Only Stephen saw that, or cared.

He and you had a great relationship as brother and sister. Usually, siblings fought and argued, never saw eye-to-eye, etc. You two were the opposite. It was a blessing to many, but it was also great for your relationship.

Until he changed. He started getting a hot air balloon sized head and it cause you two to rub the wrong way. When you had gone to visits him for your monthly visit, you two had a disagreement that led to him telling you to leave, and that you probably shouldn't come back. Now that broke your heart into pieces. He was all you had left, after you got disconnected from your parents. This just added another knife wound to your already shriveled heart.

But then the accident happened. You had heard from the news, and were crushed. After the argument you had with him, you had moved down to South Carolina to enjoy the nice weather for a change. That was a mistake, especially all those time you needed his brotherly love after failed boyfriends and girlfriends. It was freaking hard. So, you called your boss and explained the situation (she happily said you could take time off and said she hoped he'd be okay), and scrambled to buy plane tickets to New York City to see him. You didn't care that he was angry, if he still was, you just needed to see him.

The airport was crowded and there weren't enough planes, but your flight happened to be one that was saved from cancellation and you and the other 72 people to New York City. Halfway through, the wing of the plane got messed up by some idiot's balloon getting sucked into the engine and causing some damage. Weird coincidence, but okay.

So that left you to try and find another flight, which was all booked. That meant you had to waste a bunch of money on a car ride to New York. The airline refunded everyone half their ticket price to make up for the inconvenience, and so that helped you rent a car and drive yourself up. When you FINALLY made it to New York City, it had been weeks after the initial car wreck. Many times your car broke down, and it initially took you time to get tickets to New York (with lots of debating sprinkled in there) but you were finally there. You knew Stephen still lived in his same apartment, so you hurried as fast as you could to get to him at a good time. You just needed to see him again.

After about thirty minutes after trying to get through crowds and crowds of people, you were standing at the door to the apartment building your twin brother, older by 6 minutes, lived and most likely had been hibernating in since he was released from the hospital. Your feet were taking you up the familiar pathway that you've walked so many times.

And now, you were at his front door.

You knocked, and it took an agonizingly long time, but the door was finally opened. There stood your brother Doctor Stephen Strange, looking more like a homeless man than a multi-billionaire. He recognized you instantly, and was shocked you had come back. Next thing the both of you knew, you were hugging him, arms wrapped around him tightly so he couldn't push you away again.

"(Y/N)?" he asked, disbelief laced in his tone. You could only nod against his chest, and finally his arms wrapped around you now. Both of you were crying, you just weren't trying to hide it.

You both walked inside all the way now, and sat on one of his couches. You made a cup of tea for both of you and turned on his fireplace. Stephen looked like a mess, and your heart was hurting. The tea was ready and you brought it over to him and sat down next to him.

"Stephen...are you okay? God that's a stupid question of course you're not okay," you said, smacking your forehead from asking such a ridiculous question. Stephen laughed and grabbed your hand. That was when you really saw the scars and how shaky his hands were. You grabbed his hand back and rubbed the back of it with your thumb.

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