Pick Me

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It had always been like this. Peter struggled every day to get to do anything since his older sister always took all of the best opportunities for herself. (Y/n) was always jumping up and down, begging to be picked to do literally anything. From kindergarten all the way up to high school now. Peter barely got to have anything for himself. A lot of the times, (Y/n) would get something and then not like it, so she'd pass it off to Peter. There were very few things that were truly his. For example, his best friend Ned was one of the few friends Peter ever had that (Y/n) didn't have first.

But that doesn't mean Peter doesn't love his sister. She's just... high maintenance. They get along well enough that it's not a serious issue for Aunt May. The two of them mostly hang out together with at least one of their other friends with them.

The one time they weren't together, they both managed to get powers. Peter got bit by that spider and (Y/n) got bit by a snake. It was like the universe wanted them to be together through similar events.

Neither of them went to the hospital, they just went back to Aunt May's apartment and ended up talking to each other. After lots of begging from (Y/n), Peter decided to go out and be the neighborhood superhero he had seen in the comics.

It was fun at first. But now, it was annoying as hell to Peter.

"Come on Peter, why can't we just go around for a bit? We don't need to be home right away!" she whined as they walked up to Aunt May's apartment. "The fancy car can wait!"

Peter shook his head and sighed as he started to unlock the apartment door. "(Y/n), for the last time, keep your voice down!" he said in a harsh whisper. "You're older anyway, so you can go out on your own and have a blast. May wanted us home, though, so let's appreciate her wishes and see what's up."

(Y/n) sighed dramatically as the two entered the apartment. "You are so annoying with all your junk and shit," she said, smacking the random thing that Peter had found on their way home. He decided to keep it as if it were a lost puppy or something.

She was going to say something else, but turned to the right to see May and ended up freezing at the other person there. Peter kept going though, clearly being too dumb to notice. "Okay you know what, that's just rude. I have my hobbies and you have yours. Let me collect my so-called junk in peace," he said as he set his stuff down and walked to the kitchen.

Aunt May asked, "How was school today?" She looked between (Y/n) and Peter, but knew that the former was a bit too shocked to speak.

"It was okay, (Y/n) probably had a better day becoming the decathlon team president and all that," he said. "Hey, there's this crazy car parked outside..."

Peter finally looked over and noticed the Tony Stark sitting in the living room eating what looked like a walnut date loaf that May made. "Oh, Mr. and Ms. Parker," he greeted, looking between the siblings.

(Y/n) remained frozen to the spot, unlike her brother, who was walking forward and stuttering a bunch. Finally, he managed to say, "Hey, I'm Peter. That's- the one who isn't saying a word- that's (Y/n). Wait- what are you... what are you doing here?" He crossed his arms and looked between his sister and the McFreaking Tony Stark on his couch.

"It's about time we all met," Tony Stark said, gesturing to himself and the Parker siblings. "You've been getting my emails, right?"

Aunt May was in shock as well, smiling widely with her mouth open. Peter was confused and trying to get there. "Yeah, yeah, regarding the uh..."

"You didn't tell me about the grant," she suddenly said, giving the Parker siblings their in.

(Y/n) finally unfroze and decided to speak up. "Well that's because we wanted to be sure we got it first. Or, well, did only one of us technically get it?" she asked as she took a step towards Peter.

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