Criminally Underrated

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This was (sort of) requested by milo_pixie and tchoup27 ! I hope you like it!

You meet all kinds of people with the job you have. Becoming a singer was never about that, you just wanted to make your job singing. But, that's what happens when your second studio album blows up all over social media and you become a huge star.

Five albums later, you can't seem to slow down. People still love you, your music still charts, and you've pretty much stuck it to all the people who thought you were dumb for pursuing a career in music.

Back to the point: this has led you to meet some amazing people. You've met your heroes (some good, some bad) and some amazing trailblazers. All of the opportunities this career has brought you have been amazing.

Well... almost all of them.

New York City has always been a slightly scary city, with criminals doing their thing. In recent years, however, the threats have gotten scarier because they've gotten stronger.

You hired Tony Stark to create a fantastic security system for you when you first moved to NYC, after an incident with a stalker scared the shit out of you and your family. He was more than happy to, and it worked perfectly. After the release of your third album and an increase in number of stalkers, you appreciated it.

And then aliens came to Earth and your apartment was destroyed. When that happened, you were exposed to everything, and found yourself dangling from your broken apartment balcony, screaming for help.

That came in the form of a giant green guy swinging up and taking a hold of you. At first, you were terrified after what you had seen on the news, but then you were safely placed on the ground. You looked up and watched the Incredible Hulk hurry away to keep fighting, and made sure you found a way to thank him.

It took a while for you to have the opportunity. NYC needed a lot of help, and you used as much of your money as you could to help where you could. You also started some online fundraisers to get those who could donate to find a way to help, and some of your fellow celebrity friends helped out as well.

You finally got your chance a few weeks later, when a plaque ceremony was being held to commemorate the Avengers (that's what they called themselves) and you attended. Unbeknownst to you, a few of the Avengers were fans.

That's how you landed your first invite to a Tony Stark party to celebrate the commemoration. You went, just hoping to see the man behind the Hulk, and thank him for what he did. And lucky for you, he was there.

"Excuse me?" You approached where Dr. Bruce Banner was. He was having a conversation with some other people you didn't know. "Do you guys mind if I talk to the Doctor really quick?"

They shook their heads, and walked off to continue their conversation.

Dr. Banner turned to look at you, slightly confused. You went ahead and got into it. "My name's (Y/f/n) and... well, to put it simply, you- er, well, the Hulk I guess... you saved my life that day. So I just wanted to thank you in person because hanging dozens of floors above the street really had me thinking that was it for me."

At first, he didn't say anything, really to taken aback by everything you just said. He could remember. He- the other guy- had been swinging from building to building, crushing aliens as he went. And then there had been a scream, a clear scream from building around the block.

That's when he saw you dangling, clinging for dear life. The other guy had never been the most gentle, but Bruce liked to think he was able to shine through just enough to get the other guy to save you and get you to the ground where people would attend to your injuries.

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