Free WiFi

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It wasn't your first choice. Your apartment was the first choice until your dad broke the news that he could no longer afford to pay the bill for it.

So, you went to a cafe that was down the street from your little apartment. They had what you needed and it was working out perfectly fine until a manager approached you one afternoon.

He informed you that it was actually company policy that customers had to purchase something in order to use the complimentary things.

You knew you couldn't afford to buy a cup of coffee or a snack every day after school in this overpriced establishment, and the complimentary water didn't count, so you had to find another place.

You saw the kids sitting on the front steps of the Avengers Tower one day and didn't think much of it, just thought they found a shady place to sit and decided to chill on their phones and laptops.

It was when your best friend, Esme, told you about what it really was that you decided to start hanging out, too.

The free wifi.

You felt wrong because it felt like stealing. It made you anxious to see anyone walking in or out of the beautiful tower.

It was when some kid you knew from you math class told you the man himself had seen them there on the steps and didn't question it. Him and so many security guards and there hasn't been an issue yet.

There was also some sort of unspoken understanding that the wifi would remain free and accessible to everyone. Of course there were people that could easily hack in and mess it up for everyone, change the wifi to private and create a password.

Someone tried it one day you were there, but someone even smarter went in right after and fixed it. Then they locked the jerk out of their laptop. Don't mess with the free wifi was the very clear message.

You sat outside one sunny Thursday afternoon working on a newly assigned math project with your earbuds blasting some new pop album. The new teacher insisted on everyone doing projects (based around math, of course) that helped the world in some way. Considering you went to a pretty smart school, the projects were expected to be pretty important.

As you brainstormed ideas in a note on your laptop, movement caught your eye. Tony freaking Stark himself was walking into the building. He glanced around at the group curiously, but never stopped or said anything. Just kept on his path to inside the building.

"Do you ever wonder if he'll stop this?" I asked Esme beside me, removing an earbud as she did.

She shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, people say he's walked by a few times and we're still here so I guess he's just wondering what we're doing?"

You nodded. It was a good answer that helped calm your anxiety. "I don't think I could live if he did. I have nowhere else to go after school to do homework if this place shuts down," you admitted. Esme kind of knew of your situation.

There was nothing else to say, so you put your earbud back in and kept on working. Esme gave you a sad look but then returned to her work as well.

You were always just a little worried that you'd come here after school and find security swarming the steps and 'No Soliciting' signs on the walls. It stressed you out more than it should but you couldn't help it.

To distract yourself from that, you worked on your paper assignments more and more. The days of procrastinating were over just so you could keep your anxious thoughts at bay.

One day when you arrived, you saw some construction people entering the building. You thought nothing of it because maybe Mr. Stark was doing some renovations, who knows.

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